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Hannah POV

To say that everybody was on edge was an understatement.  More people are disappearing quickly and at an alarming rate. We all know it's because Meredith wants her revenge and she wants it soon.

I looked at the stack of papers on my fathers desk, as he shuffles through them.  "She needs to find her gift Hannah."

I just looked at him dumbfounded, "I believe that's what we've been trying to do father."

He just shook his head, "if you would both would just stop being so damn stubborn and see what's in front of you. It's right there Hannah."  He said looking up from his stack of papers, I never thought I would see defeat in my father's eyes, until now anyways.

I just stood and exited the room. I had no clue what it was that I was suppose to see, if it was right in front of me I would have seen it by now.

When I entered the living room Quinn was buried nose deep in a book. I placed my hand on her shoulder causing her to jump and scream. "Sorry," I mumbled as I took the seat beside her.

She looked up at me with tired eyes. She hasn't slept in two days because she always has her nose buried in a book. "Have you found anything?" 

She closed the book and exhaled shaking her head no. "All this damn information and not one thing on how to make it complete."

"Well according to my father it's right in front of us. As he says a we are just too damn stubborn to see it."  She laughed a little as I did my best impersonation of him.

"Well I obviously don't see anything."  She said looking around. I just nodded my head.

"Look your exhausted. Let's just go up to the room and you can rest for a little while. Maybe getting our minds off of it for a while will help us to figure some things out." 

I could tell she wanted to argue, but she knew just as well as I did she would be no good if she kept going at this rate. I'm pretty sure she was asleep before her head ever touched the pillow.

I just sat there and watched her. Admiring the beauty about her. I knew I was in love with her, but I also knew she would never love me. That's why I had refused to tell her. She had so much on her plate right now I didn't want to add to it.

I decided I needed to talk to somebody. I exited the room to find Zander sitting in the hallway. "I'm tired of being cooped up."  He mumbled.

"Let's go for a run, we both need to blow off steam. Plus I need to talk to you without ears listening." 

Father had asked us not to go out, but he knew we couldn't stay in for long. As we were running through the forest I told Zander about being in love with Quinn.

We came to a stop at the lake and he turned and looked at me. "You need to tell her Hannah."

"Right now isn't the time Zander."

"Oh come on Hannah what's the worse that could happen. She doesn't love you back and doesn't find her gift because she doesn't want nothing to do with you, and the whole world is controlled by Meredith and her army. Well guess what Hannah that could happen if you decide to tell her or not. If she doesn't find the gift then you know what happens."

"Exactly she's trying so hard to figure it out, why add more stress to her."

"Come on Hannah you don't even know what she would say. She's your soulmate and she obviously likes you. Just tell her and see what happens."  Zander said playfully punching me in the shoulder as he started off back towards the woods with me following close behind.

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