Want to hang out?

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Mabel's P.O.V.

   I heard Dipper snoring quietly as I slipped down the stairs silently. But then- I lost my balance and tumbled down the rest of the stairs. Ow. That kinda hurt the ol' back. I paused at the bottom of the stairs until I heard his snoring, a confirmation I hadn't awoken my bro-bro. Yeesh, I thought, A circus could be parading around and it wouldn't wake him.

   Walking into the kitchen, I claimed victory by pumping my fist in the air. Grunkle Stan wasn't here yet-he couldn't make his disgusting Stan cakes. And I could make, Mabel cakes. A better solution than Stan cakes, because they DIDN'T have hair in them. They also came in cute and fun animal shapes.

   As I was preparing Mabel cakes, (enter cooking montage) Dipper and Grunkle Stan came down to join me.

   "Grunkle Stan." I said seriously, looking him in the eye.

    "I didn't do it. You can't prove I did it. Cops don't have anything on me." Grunkle Stan slammed his fist on the table.

   "No, that's not what I'm talking about." Mabel threw he hands in the air, exasperated. "I made you cute bear shaped pancakes because it reflects your personality. See?" I showed him, handing him his plate.

   "Oh, okay" The old man said. He then proceeded to silently eat his Mabel Cakes. He finished in about ten seconds and walked out of the kitchen.

   Dipper looked amazed as he watch Grunkle Stan walk out. "He just shoved them all down..." He trailed off.

   I rolled my eyes. "Dipper, don't worry about that. It's a very big day for you, that's why I made you, drum roll please." Dipper lightly tapped his fingers on the table. "Lion shaped Mabel cakes! If you're going to make a good impression on (Y/N), you're going to have to have courage, and a mighty lion's roar!"

Dipper's P.O.V.

   Just thinking of today made me nauseous. I was excited but also scared. Today was the day. Mabel and I were going to hang out with (Y/N), maybe. That is, if we didn't already scare her off and if she even wanted to.

   Mabel put the lion cakes on the counter. I wolfed the cakes down almost as fast as Grunkle Stan. Nervousness clawed up my throat.


   We were walking on the winding dirt road when it really kicked in. Today was the day when I had to make a good, lasting impression on (Y/N). Not difficult at all right? Wrong! I could stutter, I could say the wrong thing, I could bore her to death, countless things I could screw up. But maybe Mabel with me will help...

Your P.O.V.

     A doorbell sounded throughout the log cabin. "I'll get it!" You yelled. It was probably pointless anyway, when Dave worked on his art he got lost in it.

    I opened the door to find Dipper and Mabel standing on the other side. "(Y/N)!" Mabel screeched, pulling you into a hug.

    "Hey guys." You said coolly, letting go of Mabel.

     Dipper smiled sheepishly. "H-hey (Y/N)."

   "Heya Dip-stick." You smiled widely and waved. Curse the stars for making you so awkward. Quick think of something to make it less awkward. Before I even thought, words were flying out of my mouth. "What Dipper? You too scared hug me?"

    Before I could process what was happening, Dipper hugged me tightly. He was a few inches taller than me, and he somewhat laid his chin on my head. My breath caught. His arms were around me and mine were around him. I was so embarrassed but I didn't want it to end. It lasted only a couple seconds but it felt like an eternity. I was disappointed when he pulled away. "Better?" He asked softly.

    You were speechless. You managed to stutter out, "Not bad."

    You forgot Mabel was even there before she gasped loudly. Dipper rushed over and covered her mouth. "Don't say ANYTHING." He hissed. Mabel licked his hand. "What the heck?!"

    Mabel laughed. You still hadn't recovered from the hug, and Dipper was squiring germ-x like there was going to be no tomorrow.

    Mabel finally said, "So (Y/N). Do you want to walk around town? You must not where things are...and where the hot boys hang out." She winked at me and looped our arms together.

     "Oh my gosh, Mabel." I blushed. "Sounds good to me, how about you Dipper?"

      "Yeah let's go." Dipper nodded.

Dipper's P.O.V.

     To say I wasn't thinking about the hug from earlier would be lying. I just randomly hugged her! I enjoyed it, though. She was a few inches shorter than me and pretty soft to touch. It felt like it lasted an eternity. And when she looked up...those eyes. Painfully beautiful (E/C) eyes that held secrets of her curious mind. Gah, Dipper! Talk now, think later!

*walking montage* *they make small talk* *now they walk into town*

      (Y/N) laughed at a boy story Mabel just told her. "You have a serious boy problem, Mabel." (Y/N) said.

"Try living with it for FIFTEEN years." I sarcastically respond.

       "I'm not THAT bad, you guys. I just take opportunities when they are presented." Mabel boasted.

       (Y/N) looked around and pointed to the arcade. "I have twenty bucks and faith in your boy-attracting powers. Let's go to the arcade. Some guys are destined to be in there-I want to see your work in the making, Mabel."

     "Oh yeah! Where dem' boys at? " She excitedly shouted and ran toward the arcade.

      Me and (Y/N) walked towards the arcade behind her. "I'm not quite sure if you want to see her while she talks to her 'soul mate'" I said.

     (Y/N) nudged me in the shoulder. "Come on, it'll be fun! I suck at flirting and I'll pick up some pointers."

      'No you don't. Just stay exactly how you are' I thought.

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