Let's be Ironic!

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Your P.O.V.

In the end, Bill got his way. Although hating to admit it, he was quite a charismatic demon. You were far from trusting him, but you could already tell he shared your weird, dark humor. Which was 'great'. Another thing you have in common with the insane triangle to bond over. *eye roll mixed with a blush*

After Bill pulled me to my feet like a true gentleman, we ended up roaming the amusement park. But all of this was so strange. It was good strange, but one could not help but to question. Thoughts floated around my head as why Bill Cipher didn't kill me already or what he could possibly want from me.

     I felt a warm hand holding my ice cold one. "Darling, your pretty little head doubts me too much, have some faith?"

     I looked up to Bill. His golden eyes were tinted with mischievousness. You stuck your tongue out. "Well mind reader, being the true gentleman, won't you answer the lady's questions?"

Bill put on an exasperated look. "I don't want to hurt you or specifically need anything. At the moment. Although I know lots of things I've never been to an amusement park. Are you going to hold it against me that I just wanted to go check out some thrill rides?" He stared straight ahead as if he was looking for something.

You observed him skeptically. "You could have come alone. Why take me with? Also, isn't the whole amusement park just a sudden interest? I mean, you are a dream demon who can quote, 'do lots of things', why wouldn't you check one out before?"

Bill studied me. "You think too much."

"Well you should like that since your existence is the thought process. But that's not the point. Quit stalling, Cipher."

"Okay, okay, okay! Fine, you drive a hard bargain. You want to know the truth? I hate Pine Tree with a burning passion. Kid happens to like you a lot, unnaturally a lot." You blushed at this comment.

Bill looked as if he was spitting venom the entire time. "I also, maybe, stalked-your-mind and I found myself quite intrigued with your unusual ideas. Along those lines you are a very different mortal. Anyway, one thing led to another and eventually everyone was in one room. I didn't plan this, I just knew it would piss Pine Tree and Shooting Star off if I took you away with no explanation. So yes, I am guilty with playing with their heads. But what to do? It's in my nature."

"Okay, you still haven't answered one question. Why an amusement park?"

Bill shrugged. "First place that popped into my head. Also, you love amusement parks."

You mumbled, "How much of my mind did you read?" You then got thinking even more and became overly self-conscious.

"Don't sweat it. Honestly, your thoughts don't even come close to some of the perverted shit I see on a daily basis."

You chuckled and fanned youself. "Bill you're hurting my feelings. Am I not weird enough for you?"

Bill smirked. "Well, m'lady, allow me to escort you to the nearest thrill ride to make up for my unforgivable behavior.

Bill's P.O.V.

Still holding (Y/N)'s hand, I led her to [insert roller coaster]. And this particular roller coaster just so happened to be the tallest and fastest in the park. I grinned ear to ear.

Gravity Falls Welcomes You (xreader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang