Gideon Creepful

75 3 24

Your P.O.V.

     The sun shone through the small window. Everything outdoors was alive, making as much noise as humanly possible.

     Grrrrrr. I don't want to deal with life. You thought, as you turned over in bed.

     Noise of pots and pans sounded from the kitchen. "(Y/N)! Rise and shine!" Dave called. "Seriously, I don't know how to cook, and I've hit myself with pans three times! Please hurry down!"

     You snorted. Not like you'd be much help. Yet if Dave didn't have supervision in the kitchen, he might accidentally kill himself. "Yeah. I'll come down in a sec!"

Contemplating life and everything that has happened would have to come later. Right now, the priority was to make sure smol Dave didn't injury himself.

You threw on some short shorts and a plain (f/c) t-shirt; heading down the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen was like walking into a preschooler's art drawing. Flour was everywhere, there were a couple of cracked eggs on the floor and dishes were piled high on the counters. About twenty different appliances were on, which was a very bad thing. Dave is NOT a person you want to see multitask, especially in a kitchen.

     "Uh, need some help?" Dave turned around, startled.  He was covered in flour and other mixtures.

     "Yes! Thank goodness you're here, (Y/N). I don't really cook, I just kind of snack around and eat out."

     So, you and Dave spent the next forty five minutes whipping a decent breakfast and cleaning up the mess. Dave made small talk and remembered stories of his youth. (Giving you a few ideas.)

     "What will you be doing today then?" He asked, drinking the last bit of orange juice.

     Good Question. You really didn't feel like being overly social because of the last couple of days. You needed time to think. "Oh, you know, probably head into town."

     "Ight." He said as started doing dishes. "Hey, since you're going to town, can you pick me up these art supplies from (store name idek). There's a wad of cash on the table and the list is right next to it. Feel free to keep the change."

     You went over to the table and picked up the list and money. That can't be right. "Hey, there's got to be a mistake. There's over a hundred dollars here and you only need a couple supplies!" You called to Dave in the kitchen. He hummed over the chatter. Oh well, more money for me, then.

     Starting from the cabin, town was about a mile. Not being an energetic person, you decided to walk. The cool atmosphere seemed to bring a hurricane of thoughts.

     What is my life? Only a few days and it's sure to be an interesting summer. What about the twins, though? Did I make them mad by storming out? Does Dipper hate me? What is Bill's deal? Am I overthinking?

The dirt path and trees started showing visual signs of civilization. A tire here, a tee shirt over there, some pop cans on the ground. People who littered are something else...

     Since Mabel and Dipper already gave you a tour, you pretty much knew where everything was at. To say the least, Gravity Falls wasn't a huge town, but it was a heck of a lot larger than your extremely small hometown. (A/N-If you don't, Dil with it.)

     You started walking around with no real conviction of where you were going. People were out and about, walking, shopping- something a normal community would do. But this wasn't a normal community. How could people settle for mediocre lives in such a magical place? Like none of the supernatural existed?

     "Thank ya, kindly, sir." Creepy voice alert.

     You looked toward the source of the voice. It was a boy, about your age, with thick white hair and extremely pale skin. He wore a light blue sweatshirt and it matched his eyes. You were taller than him, which was surprising, considering you were pretty short.

     "Why, hello there!" He greeted, with two ice cream cones in his hands. One chocolate and one vanilla. "Which do ya prefer? Chocolate or vanilla?" Run. Run. Run.

     "Uh, did you poison them or something?" You asked, very cautious of this guy, not wanting to talk at all.

     "Well, of course not. That's not how you make friends!" He laughed nervously. Same, you thought. "Won't you sit?" He said in his southern accent, motioning to a bench.

     "Okay, I'm immune to poison." You sat down. "(Chocolate/vanilla), please."

     He handed you the ice cream cone. "Pleased to be your acquaintance. I'm Gideon Gleeful, and you are?"

     "Oh my-uh-you're Gideon?" You asked, sort of flinching. Dipper and Mabel told you all about him.

     Gideon looked flushed waving his free arm. "Whatever you heard of me, I'm different now, I'm normal, I swear! Normal boy, with normal problems here!"

     "Whatever. I don't care either way. Name's (Y/N)." You said as you leaned on the bench, taking a lick of ice cream. Man, it's pretty good.

     "Rumor is you're staying here for the summer." Gideon started conversation, almost half way down with his treat.

     You really didn't feel like socializing. Especially about this. You lazily said, "Yep, staying with my crazy uncle. I've made a couple friends, Dipper and Mabel-"

     "Mabel!" Gideon almost shouted. People looked strangely at him. He quieted down. "H-how is she?"

     How is she? Probably not the greatest. I've been a terrible friend. It pains me to think about it. Okay, feelings coming time for this conversation to be over.

     "She's doing fine, I guess. I gotta go. Thanks for the ice cream." You ran off before he could say anything else.

     That was a nightmare. Painfully awkward, too.

     You walked into the park. It was relatively small, with a couple play sets. There were some massive trees and a picnic area, which was currently being occupied. Great.

     The swings, however, were free. You walked over and took a seat. The rocks shuffled under the movement of feet. You gave a small push. Swings used to be your they were just a sad memory of your forever gone childhood.

Time was lost. You just sat there, thinking. Thinking. Not capable of anything else besides overthinking. It must have been a couple hours before-


A/N-I don't know. Is this even good? Is it worth continuing? Do people even like it? Idk, just kind of thinking out loud. Also, sorry there wasn't much that happened in this chapter.

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