Arcade Montage

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Your P.O.V.

Me and Dipper waked into the arcade to find Mabel loudly flirting with a guy. He looked like the jock type, and was at least a foot taller than Mabel. He smiled genuinely while Mabel crazily talked and he leaned against a game machine looking interested.

"Well Dipper, you've got to hand it to Mabel, she's got the goods at flirting." You commented.

"Mabel might take a while. How about an arcade game?" Dipper awkwardly suggested. You nodded and walked around the 80's themed arcade until you found a pac-man game.

Stopping in front of it, you smirked. "I'll kick you're butt at this one Dip'N'dot."

"No way! You're going down!" Dipper challenged.

"Sugar we're going down swinging?" You questioned. Maybe he listened to Fall Out Boy? Dipper smiled and put a couple of quarters into the machine. "I'll be your number one with a bullet." He continued.

"A loaded God complex, cock and pull it!" We both finished as the colorful game started.


"AH!" You exclaimed as Dipper beat you for the fourth time at Pac-man. Pretty badly, too. Whooped you basically.

"How did you beat me? You must have cheated." You looked him dead in the eyes. You brought your hand to your face in a defeated motion. "I have brought shame upon my family."

"Shall I quintuple that shame?" Dipper raised an eyebrow.

"No, no! Mercy, great Dipper!" You pleaded.

Dipper looked you up and down and put his hand to his chin, looking deep in concentration. "Okay, I'll spare you because I like you." Dipper eyes widened. "Not like-like you of course! I-I mean as a friend, y-you know!" He whispered something else but you couldn't make it out.

"What was that?" You questioned.

"N-nothing! Let's go find Mabel!" '

Well that was strange' you thought. A Tad Strange. "Okay, then let's go find Mabel."

Dipper's P.O.V.

I'm an idiot. Oh my god. (Y/N) looked kinda weirded out when I said that. I sighed and decided to take my frustration out by yelling.

"MABEL, WHERE ARE YOU!" About everybody in the arcade turned away from their game to look at me. (Y/N) looked skeptical. "Dude, are you okay?"

'No. No I'm not. My head is in a cloudy, but pleasant daze. You're so beautiful and cool without even trying. I've only known you for two days and I already think I like you.' This is what I wish to say. Instead, it comes out like "Yeah, fine."

"Dipper! (Y/N)!"

"Mabel!" We both exclaim.

"Guess who got that boy's number?" She pointed to herself. "This girl did, that's who!"

"That's great Mabel!" (Y/N) said. "You must teach me your ways some time. " (Y/N) looked at a clock on the wall. "Crap, you guys I promised my uncle I would be home by three. Walk me home?"


"Mabel she's probably all Pine-twined out for the day I highly doubt she wants to-"

"Yes of course I want to sleep over. Let's go to my house and grab my things and I'll just hang over at your place the rest of the day."

All three of us walked out of the arcade. A light breeze blew and birds chirped. Such an improvement from the 'groovy' arcade. As we walked along the cracked sidewalk my mind blanked and I was at peace.

"Oh! You guys! I had a weird dream last night!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"What was it about?" Mabel questioned. "Were there any hot, shirtless werewolf guys involved?"

"No, but the supernatural was involved. Okay so-I don't really know how to explain it but I was in all white setting. And this voice called out to me. I couldn't tell where it was coming from but it popped into view and introduced itself. It said I was in the Mindscape and he told me its name was Bill Cipher."

My eyes dilated and Mabel looked sick. (Y/N) didn't notice and continued. "I say it because it was a funny yellow dorito with a cane and top hat. He tried to be intimidating but it really didn't work. It was sad but I if to break it to him...he was the label for Dorito's and his existence was only in my self conscious. Anyway, he was all like, "I know everything and I'm so tuff". Well, I couldn't take him seriously and I guess he got irritated and turned into a human. He started to say something else but the place was fading-like I was waking up; he told me he would see me again or whatev."
(Y/N) laughed. "Crazy, right?"

Bill Cipher. The name still haunts me. My first summer here he tried to take over the world. He was a tricky dream demon who would do ANYTHING to get what he wanted. He possessed me twice and tried to hurt my family. Ruthless and cold-blooded.

I didn't understand. We defeated him. He shouldn't even exist. Why? HOW? Did (Y/N) summon him? No don't be ridiculous Dipper, she doesn't even know who or what he is. I have to warn her.

Interupting from my thoughts I heard Mabel whimper. "D-Dipper?"

Sucking in a deep breath I said, "(Y/N) we have to tell you about something. Let's hurry to the shack to talk about it.

*Next Chapter Should Develop Story Line*

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