Bill Invades

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   Your P.O.V.
The twins' room went total greyscale. Mabel's brightly colored side looked weird in grey. Dipper's side was always drab, so the grey really didn't do justice there.

You snapped out of it when you noticed the triangle from your dream floating above you there. "...Uh, Guys? You see him too, right?" You asked.

"Uh-huh" Mabel stared at Bill in disbelief.

"What are you doing here, Bill? You know what it doesn't matter, you need to leave." Dipper declared defiantly.

     Bill rolled his eye. "What a warm welcome. I know now never to recommend you to be the host of a party. But let me ask you this. What gives you the authority to tell me what to do, Pinetree?"

"Cut the flattery, Cipher. And as for having authority? We conquered you and stopped you from taking over the world, so I don't think you have room to talk." Dipper crossed his arms. "Have you still not faced it that us 'puny mortals' beat you? Are you too prideful to admit defeat and denounce your title as 'almighty dream demon'? Because you aren't looking too hot to me."

Bill turned red-literally. His voice also sounded slightly demonic. "Listen up, kids. You just got lucky and caught me off guard. I could easily conquer this world if I-"

You were getting a little nervous, (with a mix of adrenaline) at this point of Bill the demon. Dipper took notice of this and stepped in a protective matter in front of Mabel and you. Bill took notice of this also and quickly returned to his normal, yellow, triangle self.

"Anyway, not the reason I came. (Y/N), we've met before, haven't we doll face? I seem to recall you giving me the nickname dorito?" Bill winked at you.

"Uh-w-well-I". You were incredibly intimidated and it didn't help Bill was now floating somewhat close to you. He peered at you, waiting for a response.

Before you could even register what was happening Dipper was shielding you from Bill. He stood a couple inches taller and puffed his chest out. "Leave (Y/N) alone." He said a little forcefully.

"That's adorable, Pinetree. But please, you've matured, it's time to stop being petty."

Bill P.O.V.

I can still read minds, And boy, does Pinetree have some thoughts. I was angering him quite a bit and I had no intention of stopping. I found his irritation quite humorous.

He liked (Y/N), that's for sure. Yeesh, like a lot. Emotions, how pathetic. I shivered just thinking about it. And then-an idea. An idea that would mess with his heart and head.

"Bill?" (Y/N) looked up at me. Oh yes, this would be fun.

"My dear, I believe Dipper has painted the wrong image of me-"

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true you deprecating little-"

"Which is why I must take you away for a while." (Y/N) looked a apprehensive and her thoughts sounded a lot worse.

Shooting Star, who seemed to finally find her voice shouted, "You aren't taking her anywhere! You'll probably hurt her or worse!"

"Now, now why would I do that?" I looked at (Y/N). "I won't hurt you. How about a deal for your safety?"

Dipper roared, "If you think I'm just going to sit back while you ruin (Y/N)'s life with a one-sided deal you're wrong! You aren't taking her anywhere, either! I know you've done horrible things!"

"Oh-I don't need your permission." I winked defyingly. Grabbing (Y/N)'s hand, I teleported us to a mystery location.

Dipper's P.O.V.

Bill had gone to far. He always did, but this time it was different. Though (Y/N) wasn't family, she was very important to me. For some odd reason, violence seemed to be the answer in this case scenario.

I pulled at my hair in agitation. I didn't know where Bill had taken her or where or when he'd come back. Was he going to hurt her? Would she trust him? I bet she's so scared...I'm so worried. To make it worse, I'm a sitting duck who can't do anything.

Mabel paced and muttered to herself. Something about 'my fault'. Frowning at that comment because it wasn't true, I went over to her bed and grabbed her favorite stuffed animal. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her tight. "It'll be okay Mabel, (Y/N) will be alright..." These words soothed Mabel, but not me. These words were lies. And try as they seem, the truth did not fit into these words.

Your P.O.V.

The last thing I remember is Bill. Slowly, you opened your eyes. The sun stared back blindly. Your eyes instinctively closed again.

You finally got the nerve to sit up from the hard surface you were siting on. Which was a bench. What the?

The smell of cotton candy wafted about and live music was playing. It was an amusement park? How did-? When did-? You were at a loss of words.

"Excuse me, miss?"

You looked up to the owner of the voice. (Refer to pic).

"You seem to be confused. May I assist you in any matter?" He looked expectingly in your (E/C) eyes.

You knew instantly that the well dressed, (somewhat handsome) guy in front of you was no other than Bill Cipher. His yellowish cat like eyes were watching you and you couldn't keep yourself from not looking.

"I'm not stupid, Bill. Why did you take me to a carnival? How are you human? Why are you human? You're planning something, aren't you?"

Bill shifted his feet at your words, but still kept a confident composure. He smirked. "Well, I must be doing something right if you think I'm somewhat handsome."

You made a step closer to him to defend yourself. But before you got the chance, your foot got snagged at the bench bottom. Bill gracefully caught you from falling forward. Talk about stereotypical love story.

Bill smile deviously at your blushing face. "I'm not planning anything, sweet cheeks. I'm just asking that you come be insane with me for a while." He winked and pulled you to your feet.

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