Paint Me A Pretty Picture

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Your P.O.V.

"You-! I wasn't going to say anything but you-"

     Bill waved his finger at me. "Don't say something you will regret."

"Urhhhhh!" You growled, trying not to strangle that stupid smirk off his face.

"You wouldn't strangle your favorite." He winked. "But sweetheart, I went to all the trouble and you won't even look around?"

     You took a look around and gasped. Laid out in front of you was your uncle's drawing of a quiet park. This wouldn't have been a big deal if you weren't actually inside the park. What was even stranger was that there was action going on. Families were strolling about and dogs barked happily. It was like it was a real park.

     "Speechless, I see? Well, anyway this one's boring. Let's check another one out!"

     "W-wait! Hold on! This is quite lovely!" Ignoring your protests, Bill grabbed your hand and you appeared in a desolate, dark place. It was completely pitch black, only with an ominous glow of red shapes in the background. The shapes moved slowly, but there were sounds of screaming and other incoherent scary noises.

     "This one of my favorites~" Bill purred, his cat like eyes somewhat glowing.

     "You really are insane. Of course you like it, it's dark and dreary with no hope at all." You sighed and sat down. An ear-piercing, overwhelming, demonic cry broke through the atmosphere. You immediately sat up and grabbed Bill's arm. "L-let's get out of here! R-right n-now!"

     "Aw. Sweetheart, are you scared? You must be if you're holding that strongly on my arm. Is that a blush I see?"

     It's true you were blushing, but you were a heck of a lot more concerned getting out of the scary place. "Bill! This i-isn't f-funny! Get me out of here!" You were shaking so badly as the noise of the horrific thing grew closer.

"He's almost here! Don't you want to meet it?" Bill taunted.


Bill's P.O.V.

"Bill!" (Y/N) scolded. She was so scared she was hanging onto my arm and shaking. I didn't particularly enjoy the sight, but I wanted to see my old friend. I hadn't seen him in a while, and it was about time we caught up. Why was she even scared, though? Sure he made some scary noises... and he had a face that could paralyze you in terror...but other than that he really was a sweetheart.

All of a sudden I remembered a conversation we had a few years ago. He said he demolished humans and terorized them beyond comprehension that their souls sort of got sucked out of their bodies. Yeah I forgot that part...oops. Time to go.

I transported us out of there and into a flowery haven. It burned my eyes to look at it. The flowers were in an arrangement of colors and the sky was a watercolor blue. Happiness and hope and human decency reeked about. It seemed like something (Y/N) would enjoy. She better enjoy it...

"Now this is more like it!" She exclaimed. Giving my arm a tight squeeze, she looked at the scenery in awe. I tilted my head. Sometimes I really did not get human thinking. Especially (Y/N)'s.

"You could run and run for miles!" She spun in a circle, clearly enjoying herself. I didn't want to interrupt, so I stood back with a soft smile.

"W-woah." Her spinning started lopping.

I rushed over to catch her before she fell into the flowers. She fell into my arms and our faces were centimeters apart. My heart quickened and I felt a light blush creep up on my face. Okay, seriously. Dial it back. Our relationship isn't supposed to be like this! She isn't supposed to make me feel things other than humor and amusement! Our relationship isn't feelings-it's mutual respect over our not-so- popular thought process.

"If you're dizzy, then you should probably stop spinning." I curtly responded. "Or maybe just not spin at all-there really is no point to it."

She looked nervous and even perhaps a little hurt. Great job, Bill. "W-well I'm not dizzy anymore...and you know what! It's not stupid!" She said a little hotly. "I don't care if you're a demon! You need to learn how to appreciate little things-even if they are perhaps a tiny bit silly!"

I raised my eyebrows, surprised at her outburst. Her voice trailed off. "W-well a-at least t-that's what I think." She looked down.

Your P.O.V.

     Way to go, stupid. You and your stupid thoughts. You just went off and scared one of your closest friends away. W-why do I always do something like this?

You felt a hand slip into your own. "B-Bill?" You said a little embarrassed.

He looked at you seriously. "It's not stupid, neither are you." He grabbed my other hand and we started spinning in a circle in the color-changing flowers. It felt like a dream.

You smiled widely and Bill returned it. Both of you plopped down into to the flowers and laughed, staring at the azure sky.

"I don't ever want this to end." You said happily.

"It was nothing, but I'm glad you liked it." Bill huffed.

     Although Bill said things like this, he cared a lot more than he let on. But he was just so...confusing. He was everywhere and he was a puzzle you couldn't solve. Once you think you had things figured out, he would change. (Kind of like the Hogwarts stairs).

"You're really confusing, Bill. Don't get me wrong I love you and all, but..."

Bill was silent for a minute. "You love me, huh?" Even though you couldn't see his face you could feel his smirk. Much like how you could feel your blush.

     "T-that's not what I meant."

     "What do you mean, then?"

     "I think you know."

     Bill sighed. "The less you know the better. I'm a demon, so it's better not to get attached or pegged by anyone, you know?"

"I just wished you trusted me more." You whispered.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bill close his eyes. "Yeah, I know."

For the rest of the time the two of you just laid in the flowers, looking at the fascinating sky above. When it was time to go, everything faded and you heard Bill whistling a comforting tune.

A/N-Guess who has Senpai problems? Author-CHUN! That's who!

This chapter was fluffy!

Anyway, for this story I don't really think I'll have a big plot. I just think I like writing about a nice summer in Gravity Falls; I hope you like it, too.

I appreciate all comments and votes and I squeal every time I see one.

P.S.-Who is Doll from Fnaf? Comment and tell me.

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