Chance Encounter

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Your P.O.V.

     "(Y/N)!" Someone called.

I hesitantly turned around. "Dipper?"

Dipper's P.O.V.

Following the awful night, it had been a horrendous morning. I didn't get any sleep the night before, due to the fact I was tossing and turning thinking about (Y/N) and how I messed everything up. To follow that, Waddles came close to eating my arm off. Apparently, Mabel didn't wake up in time to feed him. And after that Grunkle Stan made me go into town to get some groceries. Which let me tell you, was the last thing I wanted to do.

After I got everything from the small grocery store, I started walking back to the Hack. Grumbling along the way, I gazed towards the park. A familiar looking figure leaned against the tree.

No, that can't be. I walked closer to get a better view. The groceries felt like lead on my arm.

"(Y/N)?" I questioned, kind of intimidated.

"Dipper?" She questioned.

"I-I-I" Words faltered to describe what I wanted to say.

(Y/N) looked as if she had seen a ghost. "A-are you okay?" I asked.

Nice question, idiot.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, just thinking about all the crazy things...what are you doing here?"

I raised my burdened arm. "Groceries."

There was a short silence. Even the background noise of children playing and dogs barking couldn't mask the overwhelming awkwardness.

     "So, uh sorry for bailing out. You know I just really couldn't wrap my head around it. I mean, I've never believed in the supernatural, it was a shock to my yeah. Are we cool?" She avoided my gaze and brushed her (h/l) (h/c) out of her face.

     "Y-yeah of course." I laughed awkwardly. "You know, I thought you hated me."

     She rolled her eyes. "Dude if we are talking about that it should be the other way around."

     What a ridiculous statement. How could one even possess negative feelings toward (Y/N)? She was just charismatic and cool without even realizing it. Her complex interior and her simple exterior just drawled you in. I feel lucky to have even met her.

     Drawing my courage up, I stumbled, "D-do you want-I don't know...go on a mystery hunt sometime? I k-know it probably isn't your thing but-"

     "Yeah, of course." She beamed. "Hey, let's go sit down. I want to hear all about the paranormal and all of your studies. You mentioned it before but really didn't go into depth."

     I couldn't believe it. Somebody actually wanted to listen and talk to me about my studies.



     "Wow, that's so-" She laughed.

     It was a beautiful, sincere laugh that made a blush spread to my face. Who knew something so great could come out of a dumb joke I made.

     I started to laugh along because her laugh laugh was contagious.

     She looked at her watch. "I better get back. Dave will probably get paranoid and call the police. Can you believe we talked for three hours?"

     My eyebrows raised. Three hours? It felt more like three minutes. "Time flies when you're having fun..."I commented, feeling somewhat sad.

     She stood up and stretched. "Well...see ya." She walked off, looking oh so swag and cool.

     I sighed as I looked at her silhouette. 'I love you.' I whispered creepily. She was too far away to hear, and even farther out of reach.

     Deep down, I knew it was a fantasy. That there would be too many obstacles. Girls like (Y/N) don't end up with guys like me. But when she laughs or smiles...that fills me with hope...and that hope ignites a spark that keeps me going.

A/N- Short chapter, sorry. I've been kind of busy and just tired.

I don't know...should I continue this? Do people even like it? Or read it? I think my writing is pretty terrible...

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