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Mae's POV:

It's been two weeks since my sighting in Kylo's quarters. And I haven't spoken to him since. I've been keeping myself distracted from him by training extra hard. I've learned to hurt, kill, and move things just by thinking about it. Snoke says I'm close to meeting his power.

Today as I train with my powers and lightsaber, Kylo evaluates me. I begin to mess up because I know the face under his mask is mocking me, thinking I'll be no match for him. I then decide to prove him wrong. I think about throwing him into the wall, causing me to lift him and throw him into it. He then grabs his lightsaber, and we fall into a duel.
After a four hour long duel, I finally win. I have him pinned, my saber to his neck. Snoke calls for an end. I jump to my feet and walk to the hologram. "I now name you, Lord Vatrix." A smile finds my lips and I nod. Snoke quickly disappeared. I head Kylo breathing behind me and I quickly defend myself. He raises his hands slightly. "You're now a Sith Lord Mae. Higher than I am. You are now second in command of the first order." After that he walked away. I'm higher than Kylo Ren now. This is big.
I sprint off to my quarters and begin going through my closet when my door opens. "Hello?!" I call and stick my head out to find Kylo looking at my lightsaber of my desk. "Can I help you sir?" He turns to look at me just as my door closes. It locks and he grabs the bottom of his helmet. My eyes dart away as he lifts off his helmet. "Look at me Mae." His voice was soft, understanding. I gently raised my eyes and met his. "Yes sir?" My voice shakes slightly and I bite my lip. "I'm impressed by your skills. I was wondering, would you like to eat dinner with me in my quarters tonight?"
Thoughts swirl through my head. His features stick out to me, the bow of his lip, the arch of his brow, the gleam of his black eyes. My emotions portray me and cause me to nod. "Sure. I'll have dinner with you." My voice wavers ever so slightly. He nods and quickly puts his helmet back on, walking out of my quarters to leave me with only my thoughts.

Shortly after Kylo left a couple of storm troopers come to get me. I'm escorted to the weaponry room where Kylo awaits. "You'll now be reviving your lord outfit." I nod, looking down. I'm presented with a white cloak with an engraving of some sort. I smile and gently pull the cloak on over my body. Kylo Ren nods gently in approval. I walk off to my quarters and look at myself in the mirror. The hood fits around my braids and the cloak fits my body quite nicely.
For dinner I make my way to Kylo's room, nervous as hell. As I arrive to the door, it slowly opens to reveal a candle lit table with a generally nice dinner set up. "Kylo?" I called into the small room and walk in closer to the table. I see him walk out, helmet off, but it a cloak himself. "Shall we begin?" He gently pulled a chair out and sat down. I sat across from him and overlooked the dinner. "Of course. What did you need to talk about?" He smiled ever so softly and took a sip of what I presume is alcohol. "Training. You're now higher than me, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to take me on as an apprentice?"

My mouth goes dry. The face of 'The First Order' is asking to be my apprentice? Thoughts swirl in my head on how this would look. Would he be presumed weak, I as strong? Or would it be vice versa? This man, was intriguing. My brain wracked with thoughts about my choice and I eventually nodded. "Yes, though be warned, I'm still learning myself." He chuckled with that statement. "I must be careful." We both laughed softly. Then all got quiet as we ate. Once I was finished I gently placed my dishes into the shoot and jumped when I turned into Kylo's chest. "I'm s-sorry-" my words are cut off when I feel his hand gently grip my chin and force my eyes to meet his.

I follow his eyes and know they're tracing my lips. Suddenly, his lips are on mine and a thousand feelings burst and dance all through my body all at once. I feel his hand caress my waist and my hand finds itself in his hair, he gently pulls me close. He then goes to lift my cloak, causing me to pull away. "No." And with that one word he lets go of me. "Goodnight, Mae." His words stung, but I made my way to my room and collapsed on my bed. Kylo. Kissed. Me. Why? Why me? I'm just plain Mae. Nothing special. Did he take a liking to me? I stand, my legs almost feel like jelly from my emotions from tonight. I begin changing into my nightwear. I slide back into bed and drift off, thinking about next days training.

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