CHAPTER 1 The Orders Given

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【3-RD POV】

Her long, beautiful, venom colored hair flowed through the night. The full moon illuminated her pale skin and shined upon her metal bracelet. Her swift movements left a blur of her image before she continued to her destination. And her captivating dark purple eyes glinting with the street lights.

The murderous aura surrounding all Phantom Troupe members was inhuman.

Currently this group of thieves and killers were stealing priceless artifacts and rare treasure. And the boss's orders were absolute.


"Take everything. And kill anyone that interferes." Chrollo's voice filled the ruined building.

Uvo rejoiced in excitement. The big man was obviously thrilled with the bloodshed that was going to occur.

The rest of the troupe's aura was turned to bloodlust. All ready to kill when given the order.


And with that all but Pakunoda, Nobunaga, and Hisoka rushed to the to-be battlefield.


Yorknew city was a massacre. Blood was everywhere and poor innocent people got stuck in the crossfire.

Erika, Shalnark, and Shizuku advanced towards the treasure that was awaiting them.

A group of approximately 32 bodyguards intervened and approached them on their way

"Move aside, trash."
Erika spat coldly, glaring in their direction.

Many of the men cowered under her steely glare. Though one brave, but ultimately ridiculous and stupid man decided to say his opinion.

"What did you call me lowlife?! I'll kill you with a single shot!"
The cocky man stated, raising his gun. He was awfully confident in his answer.

Shalnark advanced in their direction with his bat needle ready at hand. His bright smile was warm but deadly.

After instantly plugging the needle-like figure into the nape of a man, Shalnark quickly hid behind a tree controlling his new 'robot'.

The controlled man turned on his fellow companions and started rapidly shooting into the crowd. The 'robot' died before killing all the other members of his group, though it didn't matter. Within 10 seconds Shizuku beat down the remaining 12 bodyguards with her Nen vacuum.

"Oi, Shizuku? Do we need to clean up this mess?"
Erika asked in curiosity and boredom.

"I don't think so. Let's hurry and grab those artifacts so we can report quickly."
Shizuku replied.

All three said in unison.

<<A few minutes later>>

After a few minutes of 'interrogating' (torture ^w^) people the group of three got a lead on where the treasures were.

Heading into the building, they went into a large room where a steel safe stood.

Erika walked over to the safe, then with her fist, lightly punched the door so it wouldn't smash the objects.

Grabbing armfuls of the merch each, the three headed outside to the battlefield. There were still some minor explosions that didn't last very long and soon a hot air balloon came into view.

As it landed Erika, Shizuku, and Shalnark loaded their treasure into the basket then got in.

The rest of the troupe squeezed inside the balloon's basket and it lifted off to the base.

"That wasn't very fun on my part!"
Erika pouted.

"All of you got to fight and all I got to do was lightly punch a safe and grab armfuls of objects."

"It's true. Maybe next job you'll get to fight this time."
Franklin reassured.

Crossing her legs, Erika's hair flowed softly in the wind. Her eyes showed the cold, heartless, and merciless beast she was.

Though there was a secret her eyes held that only few knew of. Pakunoda, Shalnark, Shizuku, Chrollo, Feitan and her dead parents.

The secret was that when excessive amounts of emotions happen, the tips of Erika's hair became golden and her eyes changed to amber.

It was a marvelous sight to see, but it was also very powerful. When golden, Erika becomes an unstoppable force, weighed down by nothing... yet.


"Boss we're back!"
Shalnark commented, dropping the objects he was carrying.

Feitan and Franklin also dropped their armfuls and headed to their regular spots.

Erika leaned on the wall, bored and seeking adventure. Then by a miracle her wish.... sorta .... came true.

"Erika, I have a mission for you."
Chrollo informed looking in her direction.

"Yes boss?"
She replied

"I want you to take the Hunter Exam and earn a license. It could prove very valuable to the troupe."

"Okay boss.. When do I go?"

"Anytime from today to the end of the week. The application time ends by Sunday."

"O-K. I'll go now. I'll be able to scan through the competition quicker. Sayonara."

The Phantom Troupe said their goodbyes and Erika set off on the adventure of a lifetime.

EEK!! My first ever HunterxHunter fanfic! I'm gonna really enjoy writing this.
Though, I'm pretty nervous on how others are gonna enjoy or dislike this.

Thanks for reading.

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