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Song by Lizz. A Harrowing Affair.                     So gooooooooood..

〈Burn it All Down〉

Deep in the lush green forest Erika had stopped to spy on many other people.  Each time a passerby came alone they burned, their screams were like music to her ears. The bloodlust was uncontrollable.

While watching them burn Erika sang a little tune to herself while quietly giggling creepily.

"Burn it all down, burn it all to the ground."

Amber began to form at the tips of her silky purple hair, her eyes had a cold golden gaze fixed on her features. Once her human-torch burned down Erika hopped of the branch of the tree and continued to sing her song.

"Let the flames burn, let no body be found. Who's to say I won't be born again? Into a world where nothing remains."


Erika stared at the burning building in front of her eyes. She had just run away to cry for a few hours but now her home was burning.

The charred sides of the mint-green home smelled smokey, thick smoke wafting high into the air.

Screams flooded into her ears and heavy footsteps raced out of the area. Embers seemed to dance around the small girl, burning her fragile skin from time to time.

The heavy air began to become unbreathable, but Erika stood there, her eyes desperately searching for the bodies that she knew were gone.

Her body trembled, aching to let more loud wails out but Erika murmured quietly,

"No more tears."

The little girl walked out of the billowing smoke into the clearing. Fresh air flooding back into her lungs. Erika then noticed how dry her throat was.

She walked the streets, attempting to rid her mind of that awful scene. But to no avail, it came crashing back like waves against a cliff.

She smelled like smoke, her glossy hair now dull. People avoided the little purple haired girl, looking at her with disgust.

Erika heard small chatter and caught a few words like, "Street urchin," and "Dirty."

Not that she minded. She didn't have any emotions at that moment.

While walking the little girl unintentionally bumped into a woman. The woman gasped and carried Erika off her feet.

"Let's get you fixed up dear." She said.

Erika didn't know how many minutes they had been walking but now she was standing in front of a mansion.

Soon she was in a bath being scrubbed by maids. The smokey scent left her body but Erika could still smell it. It felt comforting for an anonymous reason.

After a while the purplette was put in a small night gown and put in a bed.

In the morning the woman came back saying words that sounded like gibberish to the little girl.

Forbidden Desires - BOOK 1 | Kurapika x OCWhere stories live. Discover now