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〈I'll Give You A Choice〉

Erika was relieved to be out of that stone tower but she wasn't too excited. She would still have to explain why she was gone from the room when the boys awoke.

The engine from the speed boat made it impossible to think but she did her best to ignore the irksome sounds.

Leaning against the side of the boat she jumped at the sudden poke she got on her back.

Looking behind her Erika saw Gon and Killua with serious faces.

Crap, did Gon tell Killua?

"Erika-San, why weren't you in the room when we woke up?"
Gon asked, his voice the most serious she'd ever heard before.

Killua nodded in agreement and she internally sighed in relief as she realized Gon hadn't told anyone, yet.

How long can I keep this secret?

"I'm so sorry Gon, Killua. I don't know what happened, I swear. I was sleeping and when I woke up, I was in a corridor and you guys weren't there. I called out your names but no one answered."
Erika said, lying.

Killua began peering suspiciously into her eyes. She desperately tried to look innocent which, to her relief, worked.

Gon contemplated it looking for any holes but since he wasn't much of an investigator he left it at that.

But from the distance....


Kurapika stared out at the water for a moment longer before turning to see Erika.

Questions once again swam through his mind like fish in a pond. He decided once Gon and Killua were done talking he would need to ask some questions as well.

After waiting a few minutes Gon and Killua stepped aside giving Kurapika a chance.

Erika's silky hair swayed in the wind that swept over all the participants. Her face was grave and her body tense as she looked to where Gon and Killua were walking away.

Right as Kurapika stepped in front of her she turned away to look at the glowing water. Her pale, peachy skin basked in the rays of sunlight radiating from the hot ball of gas in the clear sky making it look illuminated.

Kurapika started but was immediately interrupted by a certain lavender haired girl.

"I can't- I slipp- I don't know. I don't know.."

Kurapika pursed his lips and nodded his head in disappointment. As he was about to turn away a small hand was placed on his shoulder.

He looked back only to be embraced. He breathed in her smell, vanilla and a faint metallic scent that reminded him of something he couldn't remember because of the shock he was experiencing

Kurapika heard a small mumbled voice say 'I'm sorry.' Erika then let go and walked away, footsteps soundless, and leaving a dazed blonde standing there.

Forbidden Desires - BOOK 1 | Kurapika x OCWhere stories live. Discover now