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「50 Hours With You Part-2」

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"Erika grew up... an ordinary kid. She learned to really love fire."

"Then one day, as she was out in town, she heard a horrifying scream coming from the direction of her home. Erika rushed there as fast as she could and when she got home a terrible scene lay before her. Her parents were dead."

"Then it happened... I got really emotional and my hair and eyes started changing. The End."

She said swiftly. Her face unemotional as she told the fast and depressing tale. By the time she was finished all eyes were on her.

Gon looked doubtful while Killua had a poker face on. Tonpa was pretending not to listen while Leorio was looking away. She looked to Kurapika. He was just sitting there staring.

Erika shrugged it all off and sat on the couch looking at the wall.

It continued like this for several hours. Some tried to attempt a conversation but Erika just wasn't listening.

She was staring, at something. More than one thing. Looking into the past at one time and deciding the future in another.

Torn she didn't even realize everyone was asleep except for the short looming figure of a green haired boy that was right behind her.

He tapped her shoulder once but she didn't respond. This time she shook her more roughly and she turned her head.

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The sight he beheld was confusing him even more. Gon was confident that he was going to confront Erika about everything but instead he found a girl, crying at something he didn't know about.

She quickly wiped her cheeks and tried to remove any trace of her tears.

"Um.. Erika.. I wanted to ask you something."
Gon said slowly, rethinking and remembering what he was going to say.

"What is it?"
Her voice was a bit shaky but strong and calm.

"During the battle... I-I saw.. Y-your tattoo."

Erika tensed greatly. Her face started to shadow and Gon quickly took a step back.

When she looked at him her eyes were so dull. Her eyes looked far away as if she wasn't there. But she was, physically anyways.

Gon realized Erika's breaths became shallow and her shoulders dropped down as if about to be crushed by a massive weight.

He looked at her with concern but was also anxious to hear a reply.

Very quietly, barely audible for Gon Erika said,

"Yes, I'm a spider-" Gon felt the betrayal rise up again but it wasn't strong. "Even though I am, you make it hard." She said.

"What? What does that mean."
Gon asked frantically in a hushed voice.

"Why did you have to do this to me? I never intended this to happen. This didn't go according to plan. I told myself I would always be isolated from human contact except for the troupe but look! I have very irritating feelings Gon."

"Why did I make friends? Why did I act friendly? Why did I.. Fall in love? It's awful. I worry about my future Gon, and yours."
Erika told Gon.

"I don't understand. What do you mean act friendly? Or make friends? Or fall in love. Or the future? Or any of it!"
He asked.

She smiled weakly that made Gon shudder. If wasn't Erika, at least not the strong, calm, and friendly person he knew.

"I never planned to be your friend-" she said. "What?!" Said Gon a bit loudly but not enough to wake up people. "-but the worst thing is.. I'm in love. Please don't tell Kurapika. He'll be shattered to know who I am, what I am. My feelings may be a nuisance but I truly love him."

It was too much for Gon to take in. He expected something dangerous, something less than this. Tears welled in her eyes again.

"I don't like this at all."
She muttered.

Gon left her alone and went back to Killua where he eventually fell asleep.

In the morning the two didn't talk. The others noticed but didn't push it, thankfully.

Gon sat at the table, his cheery smile fainter and a bit faker. Erika sat at her seat again. Kurapika sat with her.

He thought of ambushing her and saying her secret there but then she saw the affection in her eyes as she looked at him.

Cliché and unfair. Just like Romeo and Juliet.

Gon thought.

He sighed greatly. Gon would keep her secret but would push her to tell him one day.

Erika then looked away from Kurapika. Her eyes became so dull and isolated. She took a peek at Gon.

He faintly smiled and gave a nod. Her eyes looked thankful and she stood up.

"Sorry Kurapika. I'm just really tired.."
She said.

Kurapika smiled and stood up with her. He sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him.

Erika blushed and sat with him. Her eyes started to droop and she leaned on him. Soon her breathing calmed and she slept.

Gon felt guilty. He couldn't ruin that. He would keep the secret until she felt ready.

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He smiled. It just felt right to have her with him. For her to be with him. And Kurapika decided nothing would change that.

Making sure she was asleep, he softly ran his hand through her violet hair while blushing.

Leorio snickered and Gon looked at him weirdly. Kurapika tilted his in confusion.

Maybe he just doesn't understand the feeling...

Kurapika shrugged softly making sure Erika didn't fall. He sighed knowing that his first love would be difficult.

Tired, he tried to sleep. Closing his eyes his last thoughts were of a better future. A future that would never come true.

But in the days to come he would realize this too, that miracles do not happen and there is no one to save him from it.

With that Kurapika was asleep, him leaning on Erika as the darkness enveloped them into a peaceful embrace.

Hello darkness my old friend..


Forbidden Desires - BOOK 1 | Kurapika x OCWhere stories live. Discover now