CHAPTER 4 Hisako

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Erika made note of all the living creatures surrounding her whether it be human or a new monster.

She stayed close to her new 'friends' just because if they died they'd be useless and her effort would've been wasted.

The fog made Erika's eyes blurry so she could only see in a certain radius but she made sure to count the number of the current silhouettes that surrounded them.

No new ones. Poisonous flowers to the left. Screams from behind. No threats attacking. 3 silhouettes dropped from flowers. 8 people ahead of me.

An hour had passed and Erika was now behind a group of men with Hisoka ahead of them.

The fog surrounding her was even thicker.

She was now only with Kurapika and Leorio. Gon and Killua must've got separated from the fog.

A few minutes later Hisoka and the men were gone. Erika kept on walking guessing what was about to happen.

No fair, I want to kill too.

Her body shook as she forced down the bloodlust that was rising from inside her.

"Are you okay?"

Erika turned around to see Kurapika with a slightly concerned faced.

"Oh yeah.. Just a bit worried... Haha."

He nodded and Erika exhaled with relief.

As they continued on through the fog Erika, Kurapika, and Leorio were now away from the other participants.

Walking a bit farther Erika froze. She looked to her right and right there in, the middle of the fog was Hisoka holding two cards coated in blood. The joker and king.

He was surrounded by a circle of men she saw from earlier. This confirmed her suspicions about what happened.

Hisoka was lead away by the men and killed them when they attacked.

Kurapika and Leorio came  into view and stopped in their tracks at the sight they beheld.

Hisoka's gaze lingered on the dead bodies a minute longer before turning to face them.

Kurapika then whispered softly,
"We should run in different directions. Then Hisoka would have to chase down all of us. After 30 yards meet back here."

Erika sighed knowing if she confronted Hisoka here they'd get suspicious.

Hisoka looked her in the eye and she shuddered.


As if he read her mind Hisoka smiled wickedly at her. Erika bared her teeth and put her arms on her hip.

Kurapika yelled and she sprinted in one direction for 5 meters before heading back, but out of the fog appeared Leorio screaming and holding a piece of wood.

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