CHAPTER 7 True Friends

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Erika questioned herself, a lot. She felt lighter, happier to see innocent people, which was very strange.

She barely internally cringed at interacting with other living organisms except for the troupe, also very weird.

But the most strangest thing happened. She genuinely smiled (a bit) when she talked with Gon, Killua, Leorio, or Kurapika.

F r e a k y . . .

Erika involuntarily walked down the ramp to the flat mountain rock that was now under her feet.

In a daze she stumbled to the front, deeply in thought about her strange, sudden liking to communicating with people, and enjoying it.

She vaguely remembered Kurapika and Gon trying to bring her back to reality but when she did come back they were both concerned.

"Are you okay?!"
Gon asked, with an anxious tone.

Kurapika looked at her with a worried gaze.

"I'm alright guys. Thank's for worrying about me. Barely anyone does..."
She said, quietly mumbling the last part.

Menchi walked to the edge of the crevice and gazed into it.

Mt. Split In Half? What would we be doing here?

"Look everyone,"
Menchi indicated.

The participants hesitantly walked to the crevice while Erika stood there thinking about possibilities.

Gasping, she reminded herself what could be down there.

"A Spider Eagle's nest."
Menchi voiced, while Erika thought the exact same thing in her brain.

A strong breeze erupted from the crevice, blowing people back a few steps. Erika joined the rest of the participants near the edge and stopped beside Menchi.

"You want us to retrieve their eggs don't you?"
Erika whisper shouted, loud enough for only Menchi to here."


After the winds extinguished down to a slight whisper of a breeze Menchi shouted,

"Look below the webs."

Gon asked.

"Spider Eagles build their nests deep in ravines to keep predators away. This makes them very special and difficult to achieve ingredients which offer these eggs the name of Dream Eggs."
Netero chimed in, forcing himself into the conversation.

"W-w-wait! You don't mean!?"
Said #255.

"Oh yes I do."
Menchi replied before diving into the ravine with a broad smirk.

"Oh this will be fun."
Erika mumbled to herself as surprised gasps could be heard from behind.

Menchi grabbed the thick web before falling to her doom and flipped once before grabbing the web again to steady herself.

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