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'Dull and Empty'


Kurapika wandered aimlessly around the forest searching for his target, his friends, and his enemies.

He did this for about 30 minutes before finding Leorio talking to Tonpa. The blonde hid behind a tree and eavesdropped on their secret conversation. Kurapika could hear only a small sum of words but the rest were gibberish.

Having nothing to gain from eavesdropping on something he couldn't hear Kurapika considered escaping but it was too risky and he could be easily spotted with his blue covers.

He stood there a bit longer contemplating an escape plan before hearing leaves rustle an shouting. Kurapika noticed the chubby man running towards him and stuck out his foot.


Leorio momentarily caught up and breathed a thank you sigh to the blonde savior. Kurapika gave a small smile in reply before calmly taking his target's tag.

Later both boys tied Tonpa to a stake and put a sign in front of him reading 'Do not feed'.

After grabbing Tonpa's tag Kurapika walked on his own for a bit observing.

While wondering he found Erika on a branch with her hair in a bun. Kurapika gasped and started stuttering, his eyes widened into large circles.

He looked distraught and confused standing there rigid. A moment later the purplette turned to look his way.

Her eyes were void of emotion till she laid them upon the tense blonde. Seeing his expression Erika touched the back of her neck and her mouth began opening into a large 'o'.

Once Kurapika gained part of his composure he ran like hell away. Silvery tears waiting to drop appeared in the corners of his eyes.



Erika sat on the top of the branch frozen. Her eyes strained to see beyond the lush forest leaves and her arm still reached out to her beloved Kurapika.

Finally realizing the situation her hand involuntarily covered her mouth as wails and sad noises erupted. Tears streamed down her violet eyes and dropped onto her black leggings.

She hastily untied her bun so her hair draped onto her nape covering the curse-ed arachne tattoo.

Her sustaining taboo had finally broken and Erika realized it was meant to be this way.

Karma slapped her right in the face for all she had done and took away her most precious desire.

Her Forbidden Desires. 

The tears continued constantly flowing as the purple haired teen curled into a ball and clutched her aching heart.

It was over.. Her life would repeat as it was before the exam and she'd live regretting her feelings forever.

This continued for a what felt like an eternity before Erika heard the echoing bush rustle with movement.

Forbidden Desires - BOOK 1 | Kurapika x OCWhere stories live. Discover now