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All the matches went swiftly by. Hanzo was able to recover just enough to beat the archer Pokkle and Pokkle went on to fight someone else.

But, when it was Killua's turn to fight... Erika watched grimly as the snow haired boy stained his clawed hand with the blood of the old participant. (Erika couldn't remember his name. Erika: And neither could the author)

His limp corpse fell to the floor with a thud as his chest cavity continued to bleed.

Security guards shot up and raced to the sapphire eyed assassin, though he was already treading to the door.

Erika watched, saddened, and was unable to do anything but watch her dear friend leave.

Erika observed dully as Gon stepped back into the room, arm in a cast, and demand an explanation. The examiners gave him none.

The twelve-year-old then stomped over to the other assassin, Illumi, who had taken off his pin disguise.

Gon demanded once more for an answer, Illumi also refused to talk earning him a disgusting, purple bruise where Gon twisted his arm.

Illumi seemed unfazed and the orientation continued on.

Erika looked at her Hunters License. She didn't feel accomplished at all.

She had said goodbye to Menchi and Netero but stuck around Hisako and Illumi in the end.

Erika didn't say anything to them and boosted off the wall she was leaning on to find her group of friends.

She found them discussing something in a circle and joined the group. Gon smiled softly and Leorio let her stand in between him and Gon as Kurapika still seemed a bit affected by her news.

It was heart wrenching to see but the purple haired girl endured it. The three boys continued their talk on finding Killua before turning their heads to her.

"Erika.." Gon began. "Are you going to join us in finding him?" He asked hopefully. Erika reluctantly shook her head. "I have to visit somewhere.."

Kurapika's face began to crinkle. Erika reacted immediately. "No no no! I promise it's not... Them." She said.

The blonde nodded at the information and smiled slightly. Gon looked a bit sad but smiled it away.

"Alright, but! You have to see us again." Gon said. Leorio nodded before saying, "Yeah! I'm gonna become a doctor after all." Erika smiled at them, a genuine, sweet smile. "Of course."

Tears rimmed her eyes at the thought of them leaving her alone again. The boys smiled and Gon and Leorio left the blonde and purplette to be alone.

Erika wiped her silver rimmed eyes and  hesitantly looked into Kurapika's blue ones. He gave her a small smile that warmed her heart.

"I-I'm sorry Kurapika for not telling you. I was afraid and I thought you were going t---" Kurapika paused the girl's ranting with a kiss.

As Erika realized what was happening she wept tears of happiness, guilt, and sadness. Her eyes were still streaming when the blonde retracted his mouth from hers.

With the flourish of emotions Erika didn't realize the tips of her hair turn Amber like her now golden eyes.

The girl's weeping turned into soft whimpers as Kurapika wiped the partly dry tears from her cheeks and gave her a hug.

Leaving her with only a whisper, Kurapika left to find his friends again leaving Erika alone in the courtyard, hands loosely holding onto the
curse-ed license.

A moment later hope and guilt filled her heart as she began walking towards the Phantom Troupe base, already breaking her dear friends' promise.

The numbered spider on her neck seemed to burn as she put one step in front of the other. Slipping into a killer-calm Erika, spider number 0, continued on her journey.

Forbidden Desires - BOOK 1 | Kurapika x OCWhere stories live. Discover now