CHAPTER 8 A-MAZE-ing • Meet Up

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Erika waved goodbye to Menchi as the blimp propellers activated.

It steadily took off and slowly proceeded into the scenery. After a couple of minutes the blimp was no more than a dot in the distance.

Gazing over her shoulder Erika examined the large, tall tower she was standing on. It was made of very sturdy concrete, most likely hard to break.

Her companions, too, were examining the stone structure and looking for an entrance. One man had already been attack by monsters attempting to climb down the cracked walls.


Erika waited with, Gon and Kurapika at her sides, on the grassy earth below her shoes. Three men stood in front of her and the participants. One had a purple mohawk and glasses. He stood in the middle of the three and wore a white jacket.

She couldn't exactly make out the faces of the other two because she was more focused on the man before her.

"Hello, I am the third examiner. In front of you is a tower. It's called Trick Tower and its purpose is to test you. This will be the Third Phase, you must complete obstacle after obstacle until you make it to the bottom. You have 70 hours to complete this task."

Tension built up as the participants stared at the large, tall, pillar-like tower.

Erika stared at her watch which had the timer set to 70 hours. The blimp was getting ready to take off as the last couple of people got off the ramp.


The timer had already started and 11 minutes passed since getting on the tower.

It was quite clear to Erika and the participants that climbing down was not an option and neither was jumping.

There must be a way in.

Walking around carefully on the smooth stone she found a dent. Stepping a bit rougher on the slab it gave.

Erika jolted as she realized she was falling. It wouldn't take much to get back on the stone but this must've been the way in.

She let out a quick fake shout to hint the others that she found a way in.

Dropping hard on the ground, she looked around keenly. There was a narrow hallway lined with unlit torches.

How ironic.

Using her Nen, Erika continued forward, each nearby torch lighting up with exquisite purple, nonlethal flames.

The purple flames gave off a warm glow, as if acknowledging the presence that stood before them.

Getting deeper into the narrow hallways the air grew thinner, disappearing more with every step.

Erika turned a sharp left instead of straight and went onward. The paths became jumbled up and after a few more turns at corners she had concluded that this was a sort of labyrinth or maze.

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