CHAPTER 3 Making 'Friends'

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Tonpa walked over to the three boys with that stupid fake smile like he did to all the other rookies.

The innocent green-haired little boy accepted all the information he and his companions were told and believed he actually made a friend.

Tonpa then handed them all the same horrible juice he gave to everyone else he walked up to.

Taking a sip, the kid immediately retracted the can from his lips.

He said something she couldn't hear from her distance and the blonde and black haired boys were already dumping their juice.

Tonpa and his stubby stature apologized to the boys nervously.

Lying pig.
Erika thought.

After Tonpa walked off Erika closely studied the three boys.

They shouldn't be hard too manipulate.... probably.

She strut towards them, slowly, her shoes barely making a sound beneath her.

Forcing herself, Erika made her features soften to look friendlier as she approached the three.

Closing the distance between her and them, Erika closed her eyes and put on a smile, her purple hair flowing behind her.

She masked her utter annoyance of everyone and held out her hand.

"Hi! I'm Erika."
She beamed.

Erika could feel their eyes on her while the boy shook her hand.

She slowly opened her eyes to reveal the kid smiling at her.

Ugh, this is so... ugh. I don't want friends.

"I'm Gon! And this is Kurapika-" he said, gesturing towards the blonde. "-and Leorio!" He then pointed to the tall man.

"It's so nice to meet you!"
Erika said in her best shrill voice.

Bah, I sound ridiculous and girly.

"Are you guys rookies too?"
She asked with such fake, yet so believable, curiosity.

"We are!"
Gon replied.

Instantly Erika jerked her head to the front as a lavender-haired man with a matching mustache, no mouth though, appeared.

He uses Nen.
She thought.

The man met Erika's gaze with utmost calmness.

Erika glared instead, forgetting that three other people were behind her.

She had noticed him before everyone else did.

If he wanted he could've murdered you all people!

Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika followed Erika's gaze to the front.

"My name is Satotz, I am your first examiner."
Said the lavender man, somehow.

"The Hunter Exam is extremely difficult. If you have run out of luck or if you are disabled-"
Erika didn't hear the rest and nobody moved.

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