CHAPTER 6 Frenemies, Part-2

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God I can't do this! It's just so hard!

Erika face palmed herself as she observed the participants looking for pigs under rocks, behind trees, inside bushes, and in grass.

I just can't tolerate this! Under ROCKS? Seriously?!? Do you have no common sense? C'mon people!

She rolled her eyes and started to trek deeper into the forest. The thick bark from the trees were swarming with bugs. The leaves softly crunched under Erika's boots.

Then she heard the squeals.

Wide-eyed, she followed the loud sounds to a clearing in the woods. The aggravated, giant, behemoth pigs were squealing with anger.

In front of the stampeding pigs was Gon. He was running right back to the other participants.

Then the screams erupted. And then smash, crack, splat.

People were stampeded on, squished under a pig's hoof, or impaled by tusks.

Dust clouds formed making it harder to see but Erika fortunately grabbed the thigh of a fat pig and pulled him. He tripped and immediately attempted to get up but Erika had already punched him on the forehead.


She dragged the poor pig back to the giant gates where she started cleaning off the dirt.

"Hey Menchi?"
She asked, not bothering to look up as she concentrated on wiping off all the dirt.

"What is it, Erika?"

"Where are the big knives kept?"
Erika pointed to the puny little cutting knives that were 1/10 the size of the pig.

Menchi grinned before pointing to the cupboard. Surely inside were giant cleavers, sharp to the touch and shiny.

Footsteps could then be heard from outside the gates and participants flooded in with their giant pigs.

Kurapika was on the left of Erika. His pig was fairly fat and strong.

Tough meat if you don't prepare it right.

On her right was Killua. He immediately jammed the metal stick from the roasted into the pig and put it above the fire.

So did everyone else.

Erika chopped up the meat getting to the ribs and pulled it out. It was all bloody and whatnot.

Scrunching up her nose, she cleaned off the blood and seasoned the meat with salt and pepper.

There was no fricking oven.


She got a metal tray from.. somewhere.. then jammed it into place atop the crackling fire.

The meat sizzled and smoked as Erika started preparing the sauce.

After she was finished she checked the meat. It was slightly over cooked but oh well.

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