CHAPTER 2 Tasks and Obstacles

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Erika walked across Meteor City advancing towards her destination. The 287th Hunter Exam!

Heading towards the cedar tree, like instructed, Erika ended up in a deserted town. Though she could sense it wasn't exactly deserted.

After walking a few yards, doors flew open and oddly dressed people carrying an old woman appeared.

The old woman said.

Erika thought.

The woman repeated.

She yelled with a sudden outburst.

Wide-eyed and shocked Erika stumbled back from the old lady.

"You are here to get to that tree on the hill, correct?"

"Eh? Yes."

"To get there, you must pass through this town."

"I shall administer a single-question quiz."
The grandma continued.

Erika commented, coolly.

"You'll have five seconds to state your answer. Give the wrong answer and you'll be disqualified. You'll have to give up on this year's Hunter Exam."

"Yes, yes. Go on."

"An evil villain has taken your son and daughter. You can only save one. Who would you save? 1 is the daughter 2 is the son."

Then it struck.

You should never make that choice as a parent. You should love and protect your children equally. If in this situation I would most likely sacrifice myself so that my children would be able to live out their lives.



The old lady nodded her head.

"You may pass."

The doors the lady passed through opened once again.

"Walk two hours from here and you'll reach the top. Behind the tree lives a couple who serve as navigators."

After a quick run, Erika reached the tree in 30 minutes. Standing right outside the house she heard an ear splitting yell.

A light yellow dog-like creature that stood on two legs carrying a woman smashed through the window.

Was all the yellow creature heard before it was apprehended and tied with wire to a tree.

Erika grabbed the woman and checked her. Weakly, the woman informed Erika that her husband was injured in the home.

Though, while checking the woman Erika noticed a tattoo on her arm. It had symbols stating the girl wasn't married.

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