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Quick A/N! I'm so greatful to you my readers for all the reads you have given me. And man if you continue reading all these chapters and hitting the hundred mark there will be freaking 5 specials in a row! Goodness gracious. But that's all, thanks!

Our Final Moments Part-1'


The sixteen year-old sat quietly in her chair making fire wisps and other neat objects with her Nen to distract her sorry self until a loud thud was heard to her left somewhere in the hallway.

Curious and bored Erika got up and silently trailed the noise till she arrived at a door.

The thuds were now louder and practically boomed inside the mysterious room.

Curiosity killed the cat as Erika entered the noisy room to see a strange sight.

Gon and Killua were basically launching themselves at Chairman Netero while the said chairman was holding a random basketball in his hand. The random scene caused her eyes to grow as big as saucers while the other three turned their heads as they noticed the girl.

Killua continued to stare as Gon have a blunt, "Hi Erika-san."


Netero gave a small chuckle before walking over to her and placing his wrinkled hand on her shoulder. "Would you like to join us Ms.Okarii?"

Erika gulped as she stared into the eyes of the beast before shaking her head left to right nonchalantly.

Netero shrugged with a small smirk before walking back to the two boys as they began striking once more. Having no other source of entertainment Erika sat down on the tiled flooring and watched amazed at the unpolished yet talented skill both boys presented.

It was enough to gain a grain of admiration from the fire wielding queen of purple. Though their efforts and strikes were in vain because of the unyielding power and experience the Chairman held.

Her power was only a tenth of his though hers was still unpolished like the boys. The strikes continued on and on until Killua stopped, his bangs covering his vibrant sapphire eyes as he gave up.

The action fractured the tiny grain of admiration Erika had for the assassin boy but her eyes were unwavering as she looked at him.

After Killua sat next to her Gon continued his onslaught of strikes until he used a surprising head butt to unbalance the old chairman.

To Erika's surprise the move worked on him when Gon went in for another one which resulted in Netero's hand being used.

After that Gon got up with a smile as he exclaimed, "You used your other hand!"

Once said the chairman's eyes widened before he smiled and chuckled while thinking, Quite a talented kid, just like his father.

The next thing to happen was Gon collapsing from exhaustion as well as Killua onto the floor and sleeping like the dead.

It resulted in a small smile escaping from Erika's lips as she sat down behind the two cross legged and watched over their peaceful sleeping bodies before falling asleep as well.

Erika awoke on the floor of the familiar empty room with a sore back causing her to groan in discomfort.

Looking to the tiled ground once more she saw that Killua was already gone and Gon had left only a few minutes ago because of the faint presence that still lingered within the room.

The purplette got up from her position and forcefully shoved the door open to reveal shining sunlight that scorched her irises.

After adjusting to the light Erika looked out one of the many windows to see land nearby which meant they'd be landing soon.

The memories from the day before then began to stream back into her mind making her groan once more as she realized she had, too, fallen asleep on the floor.

As time continued ticking Erika walked into the main room where they were first told to do anything and sat down on the floor before closing her eyes to think.

Focusing all her attention on her thoughts Erika did my realize that a wandering blonde had entered the room.

When the boy spotted her his eyes widened as he froze in place not know what to do. The longer he stayed in there the girl's presence seemed to distraught him.

Turning to flee he accidentally made a squeaking sound causing the said girl to turn her head.

Erika's mouth parted into a tiny 'o' shape leaving her in that position for a few minutes. After that her reaction stunned Kurapika.

Tiny tear droplets rolled down her cheeks as an 'I'm sorry' was muttered. After that the girl hung her head low and walked out of the room.


Frozen in place Kurapika held a troubled yet confused look and not long after an announcement was said through the intercom.

"We have landed. All participants of the Hunter Exam please exit. I repeat we have landed."

The boy let out a loud tch before heading to the vehicles exit and walking out. He soon regrouped with the group of boys and followed the chairman in another building.

After entering the building the chairman and a line of bodyguards then guided the group to a large empty room where they were told to wait until given instructions.

After a while Netero came out once again with the other phase overseers and stood in front of the remaining people.

Taking a glance Kurapika found Erika grouped with Pokkle who was chattering off about a topic he could not hear but she was also inched closer to Hisoka and his ticking friend.

A strange sort of pain could be felt within his heart that wasn't exactly the pain he fend physically nor the pain he felt when his clan was taken out. It was more of an envious sort of thing.

A little later purple eyes connected with his as he immediately turned away with a grumpy yet blushing expression.

The next words the chairman spoke pierced right through every participants heart.

"This is where we will have the final phase. A fight against each other based on how well you did during the entire exam."

Netero then took out a board with names on it and only one spot at the top.

This left a question in everyone's mind.

Only one of us will win?!

(Edited) I meant to not have the interrogation part because it wasn't very significant to the plot line. Thanks for 700 reads!

Thank you for waiting for this chapter to be published! I know it's taken a bit long but I've been reading a few things myself! My writersblock has been exterminated and I'm ready to right once more! Thanks for reading, bye!

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