Chapter I

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~ 'I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.' (Dr. H. H. Holmes--Confession 1896--) ~

People fear me. There is no need. I only follow orders. When people see me coming they plead and pray and cry out for help. I never thought of myself as menacing, I'm fair, I can be kind. It is rare for me to do anything other than what my job requires. My job is simple but most wouldn't understand.
I don't remember my name or what it is like to have people care for you, from what I know and remember I have never had friends, a family, or love interest. My bosses, three lovely ladies, gave me the name Grim and it stuck. My bosses... well they are a little peculiar, they never gave me a name, they are nice but the three often never part from one another and they always talk in turns and in riddles, more often than not. I never get a straight answer from them.
"Grim are," My bosses voices break through my thoughts. The tall, slender, brunette is the first to speak. "You," Next it is the shorter red head. "Listening?" Last it is the tall one with black hair. I've come to find this is the order they always speak in.
"I apologize madams, I was detached from the conversation." The one with black hair shakes her head and hands me a list. I take it and leave, this is normal enough.
So who are my next targets? Hmm... this list is a lot shorter than most are, we have an older woman, a MMA trainer, and .... a teenage girl....that one I'm going to have to look into a bit more. It looks like her date of.... well... a week from now..., that's not enough time. I need time to assess the situation. I take out a piece of parchment, a quill, and an ink well.

I will need more time for the girl, I would prefer to watch her for a time before taking care of things. Can we move the date to a month from now?

Your loyal servant,Grim

I attach the note to a raven and send it on its way to my bosses, since i'm going to be waiting for their response I might as well take care of the older woman. I find the woman's home, she should be asleep by now.

I walk into the woman's house and to her room. She is sleeping peacefully, well let's keep it that way. I take out the list and mark her name out. I walk to her bedside and watch her for a moment to make sure she is in a deep sleep and won't feel a thing. Taking a syringe I pump a little bit of air into her bloodstream causing a little blip and a heart attack. I stay a little while longer to make sure that she makes it across to the underworld before leaving, her daughter should be here in the morning to find her. I walk out to find a beautiful raven waiting for me, as I near it takes flight. One feather falls.
Now it's off to find the MMA trainer, if I'm right he should still be at the gym, it's still early. On my way I should probably get the concoction ready. I think I'll make him a little hemlock drink. Soon I arrive at the gym and drop a bundle of hemlock leaves in his water bottle before he walks over and sees me I set it back where he had it. "Hey!" I slowly turn to confront the target, "You know, if you're here to train you are in the wrong clothing."
I give the target a curious look, "I believe my garments are suitable for what I have come here to do."
The target laughs, "Your clothes make you look like you belong in a play as Jack the Ripper or something."
I look nothing like Jack the Ripper. I swear humans nowadays don't understand proper attire, "You look absolutely parched, take a drink."
I pick up his water bottle and hand it to him. After a moment of eyeing me he takes it, "Yeah...thanks." He takes a few drinks before a small amount of paralysis sets in and he's no longer able to keep himself standing. I help him lay on the floor as the paralysis spreads, his body begins to convulse and he looks at me fear clear in his eyes.
"There is no need to fear me, your time has come." I give him a gentle smile as his breathing becomes labored and slow. Soon his body stops moving and I stay a little longer to make sure that he makes it the underworld. Smile at my work I stand and walk out of the gym to my chariot. I notice a raven perched on one of the horses. It seems the bosses have answered. I take the note and begin to read it.
Our most faithful servant,

We agree that with the girls age you must understand the circumstances before carrying out your duties, we grant you one month.

Your caring Fates

I sigh in relief, good I was afraid that I wasn't going to have enough time to gather everything I needed before seeing how to take care of her. I nod and the raven takes flight.

One feather falls.

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