Chapter VII

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~I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. (Winston Churchill)~

Grim Bloodworths' POV

It is about five in the morning and I am making Miss Musslehiem eggs, bacon, and toast before school. I dropped out, seeing as how I no longer need to be there to watch her and she knows who I am. Around six she runs downstairs and kisses my cheek, "Hey I have to go."

"Take your breakfast at the least."

"Okay." She grabs her bag and runs through the house and out to school. Sighing I smile at how much happier she is here than she was at her home.

Me: Have a good day at school Miss Musslehiem.

Is there anything you need me to get for you

While I am out?

Raven<3: No I don't need anything

Me: What would you like to have for supper tonight?

Raven<3: Hmm...can we have steak?

Me: Of course, do you have any preference for the


Raven<3: Mashed potatoes?

Me: Would you like me to come up with

The sides?

Raven<3: Please?

Me: Okay, I'll do that. Have a good day at

School and call me during your lunch.

Raven<3: Okay =)

I'm happy that she is happy living with me. I wish that I could hug her all the time and keep her from hurting. I've heard her crying at night and I've debated going into her room to console her, I've decided that next time I hear her crying I'm going to go in there. From what she's told me she hasn't been having trouble with people at the school and Miss Evangeline is getting really close to her.

I hear a knock on the door and I quickly go to open the door. I come face to face with Miss Evangeline, "Hello, miss, how can I help you?"

"Well...I would like to talk to you about something."

"Aren't you...shouldn't you be in school?"

"Cut the crap Grim, I know you want me. You getting close to Raven was all an act to get me to notice you, wasn't it?"

"No." What is this woman going on about? I was getting close to Miss Musslehiem because her time is coming soon. I get a message and when I look at it, it is only Evangeline's name. "Come in and we can talk about your assumptions."

She smiles and walks in, "I'm glad you are accepting what you feel."

"Of course." I close the door and I see ravens and crows landing on my lawn as if they sense what's to come. As I lead her into the drawing room I take hold of a silver candle stick. "Please take a seat."

Smiling that sickening smile she takes a seat, "You know Raven has fallen in love with you, you're all she thinks about anymore. She doesn't have to know what we do, I fear it will break her heart."

I force a smile, "I somehow doubt that Miss Musslehiem is in love with me."

She walks to me and touches my chest, "You just need to relax, I can help you with that."

I smile this time a real smile, "I'm sure you can." Images of her mutilated body lying on the floor in front of me flash through my head and my smile widens.

She starts to unbutton my shirt, trailing kisses down my chest before letting my shirt fall to the ground. I roughly grab hold of her hair and yank her up so that she's looking at my face. "Don't be so rough." She protests before she looks into my eyes, I know that by now they are swirling with black and red as blood lust takes over. "Wh...w..what are you?"

She starts shaking in fear and I simply smile at her, "Death is what I am and your time has come." I raise the candlestick high above my head before bringing it down, smashing her pretty face in. The more I hit her the more blood there is, the harder I hit the more I get on me. With every hit her screams fade a little more and her face gives way crumpling like styrofoam. I let her lifeless body drop to the ground and look out the window. About thirty ravens and crows are sitting on the lawn looking at the mansion. The birds take flight.

Thirty feathers fall.

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