Chapter XVI

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~Americans are apocalyptic by nature. The reason why is that we've always had so much, so we live in deadly fear that people are going to take it away from us. (Stephen King)~

I walk into the dressing room where my bride is to be getting dressed. I hug Raven from behind and she lets out a giggle, "You know, it's bad luck to see me before the wedding."

I trail kisses down her neck causing her to squirm, "I deal in luck, my dear. I couldn't go another hour without seeing you."

Smiling she pushes me out of the room, "You must wait."

"Fine..." With that she shuts the door on me. Turning I find Hades standing behind me with a smile plastered on his face. "What?"

"You remind me of me. You really love her and that kid, huh?"

I nod slowly, "Yes, I would do anything for them."

Smiling he put his arm around my shoulders and leads me away from my bride's dressing room. "Who do you have watching the boy tonight?"

"You and your wife."

"Really? Why wasn't I informed of this?"

"Because Persephone wanted to surprise you."

He shakes his head with a slight smile playing on his lips, "So I have to act surprised when she brings your boy home with her?"

"No but if I were you I'd act fatherly towards him, it will surprise her in the most delightful way. Then your surprise will come."

His brows furrow in confusion, "Okay... Let us get you to the altar, the wedding should be beginning soon."

As I stand at the altar I watch as my beautiful Raven comes down the aisle in a blue dress. All eyes are on her but many of the women are in tears, so is my Raven. Even though all eyes are on her, her eyes are on me. Finally she is standing before me with a smile gracing her face and tears glistening in her eyes. "I guess I will start with the vows..." She smiles when she realizes that I am nervous, "When I first met you...I knew you were different. You have the strength of a dragon hiding in the body of a lamb, at least you did....You feared those around you but even after you saw my work you didn't flinch away from me and that's when I knew that you weren't meant to be mortal. You are just starting to shed your lamb's suit when you moved in, you were starting to show your strength and I began to fall. By the time we found the boy I had made the choice to give you the immortality you so deserved even if it went against everything I was ever taught, I was so in love with you that I couldn't even bear the thought of you not being around. Now there is absolutely no way for me to be away from you, you are no longer hiding inside of a lamb and I want to be around to see you become the dragon you are. I wish to be there through it all. I wish to be yours for all eternity."

Blushing she begins her vows, "I know that nothing I say can compare to your words...I spent all week looking for the perfect words to convey my feelings for you but I couldn't. I want to be yours forever and I never want to leave your side. I want to make the best memories we will ever have together...I can only do that with you." Smiling we meet in a kiss and cheers from the crowd erupt around us, she pulls back, "I love you so much, Grim."

"I love you too, my dear Raven."


"I never thought that I would wed, I didn't think that anyone would have ever wanted to be with me."

"Well...I did marry and my wife killed me, I'm just hopping that because you know I love you and we basically already have a child you won't do the same."

Smiling she hugs me, "Of course I won't try to kill you. It wouldn't even work if I attempted. I am stuck with you forever."

Smiling I sweep her legs out from under her, picking her up, and carry her to the library I had built for her over the past week. "At least you know that. Rest here as I make dinner, I will come to get you when I am ready. You might want to go to our room and change into something more comfortable, my dear."

Smiling I leave my beautiful wife in the library as I make my way to the kitchen. It is rare for my family to accept anyone but I do believe that I forced them to when I died in her place. Raven is my one weakness and she is also my one strength, tonight we will share a bed and lay as husband and wife.


I set the table before heading to the library to find Raven. When I get to the library it is empty so I head to our room, maybe she's just now changing. I open the door to our room to find my sweet Raven asleep on our bed. Smiling softly I sit on the edge of the bed and rub her back, "My sweet, supper is ready." Slowly she opens her eyes and looks at me, "Would you like me to carry you to the dining table?"

"No, no I'm getting up." Smiling she stands and we walk to the dining room. On the table is dinner. As a side I made Insalata Caprese, as the main dish I made Spezzatino di Manze al Cioccolato, as dessert we have Ricotta with Vanilla-Sugar Croutons and Berries, and for drinks we have Sangria de Cava. Her face brightens and we have a nice, quiet supper together.

After supper I draw Raven a bath and light many candles around the tub for her. I show her into the bath and I clean up the supper dishes as she soaks in her bath.

I wonder if Persephone has told Hades that she is with child yet. This should be a fun night for the family, he is the only one that doesn't know....maybe Raven and I can start a biological family of our own tonight.

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