Chapter III

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~All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue forever. (Unknown)~

At exactly 7:58 I walk into my first class of the day, I quickly spot a female with long black hair who has her head down not looking at anyone. "Ah! Mr. Bloodsworth! Please take a seat next to Miss Musselhiem."

"Of course Madam." I walk back to the raven haired female and take my seat. Class starts and I notice slight tremors running through Miss Musslehiem's body. I furrow my brow and I take a closer look, I focus on her face. Though it's hidden behind a veil of hair I am able to make out a large bruise on her jaw. I wonder where she got that.

"Now I want you to turn to your partner and tell what you know about the reign of Vlad the Impaler."

Miss Musslehiem turns to me, continuing to hide her bruise behind her hair. "I don't really know anything about Vlad the Impaler." Her voice is soft and she refuses to look at me. She speaks as if she is scared to say anything. "I...I'm Raven Musslehiem..."

She holds her hand out and I take it placing a soft kiss upon her knuckles, "It is lovely to be acquainted with you Madam, I am Grim Bloodsworth."

She nods and pulls her hand away but I am quick enough to catch the slight tinge of pink rising on her cheeks before she hides fully behind her hair. " you know anything about V..Vlad the Impaler?"

"He was the prince of Wallachia from 1431 to 1476 or 1477 depending on when exactly he died. He was a member of the House of Draculesti which was a branch of the House of Basarab. He was widely known as a folk hero in Romania and Bulgaria for his protection of the people both north and south of Danube. He married a Transylvanian noblewoman Ilona Szilagyi. He is mostly known for his gruesome works, he roasted children, whom he would then feed to their mothers. And he cut off the breast of women, and forced their husbands to eat them. Then he had them all impaled. It was gruesome and awesome. He was then captured and imprisoned within a Hungarian prison. Vlad ruled three times and had his death brought to him in the form of five men." Raven just sits and stares at me in awe, "My apologies but I do beg your pardon, have I said something out of the ordinary?"

"How do you know all that? How did you remember all of those facts?"

"Well you could say that keeping notes on murderers is an interest of mine, especially if their methods were quite...unique."

She looks down at her desk and seems to be thinking of a way to figure something out, "You're very strange."

I'm strange? Isn't it rude to imply that someone is out of the ordinary? "I beg your pardon?"

"Guys our age don't care about school or facts, it's only soon to be convicts that find that kind of thing appealing....Psychopaths.... but you don't give off that kind of vibe I mean...I think you're just...different."

Humans are so confusing, she calls me strange then implies that I am a psychopathic murderer, then says I'm just different. She should have just left it at psychopathic murderer, without the psychopathic part of course. Psychopath implies that I do not understand exactly what I'm doing when I do it and the literal definition of psychopath is, a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior or an unstable and aggressive person, I am neither. "I may not be normal compared to others but I can assure you that I do not have any mental disorders or aggression, plus I am perfectly mentally stable, Miss Musslehiem."

"I didn't mean to make you feel like I was calling you psychotic, I don't even know you." She replies quickly and in a panic before looking down and whispering to herself, "Maybe they are right. I shouldn't talk at least then I could have some friends."

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