Chapter V

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~Death is the cure to all disease. (Thomas Browne)~
Grim Bloodworths' POV
I watch as Raven's brother leaves the room after beating her, she slowly makes her way to her bathroom where she washes her face and reapplies her makeup hiding her new bruises as well as the one she had before.
I drop and leave the house, walking down the street to my own. As I walk through the doors I drop to my knees, cradling my head. Bright lights burst behind my eyes, I cry out.
My chest is being crushed, I scream as my bones break. Something is ontop of me and I can't move, I can't see... Someone grabs hold of my hands as the weight is slowly being moved. The person that grabbed my hands pulls me, with every pull pain erupts and I cry out even more.
I hear the thing that was on me hit the ground, I open my eyes to see a beautiful woman with long brown hair. She strokes my cheek, "Darling, are you alright?"
I nod slowly and a man comes into view, "We need to get him a doctor, honey."
The woman nods and moves away.
What was all that? I open my eyes slowly and stand from the floor of the entrance. I take out my phone to see the new list of targets. I will start working on that tonight. I hear a knock on the open front door, I turn to find Raven standing in the doorway looking curiously at me. "Yes, madam, to what do I owe the honor?"
Her beautiful violet eyes look around the entryway, "I was..." She looks down at her hands, "I was wondering if you would like have dinner with me and my family..."
"It would be an honor." I smile at her and her gaze jumps to mine. She has concealed the bruises very well. If I didn't know what had happened I wouldn't have known that they were there. Maybe that's how she fools everyone at school. "When would you like me to come over?"
"Mother would like you to come over now so that you can get to know the family before dinner begins. I mean you don't have to come you don't have to."
I walk over to her, tucking her hair behind her ear, "Would you like to show me the way to your home?"
Blushing she takes my hand and leads me to her house. We walk into her home, her father and mother both smile at me, "Hello."
I bow to her father, "Hello sir." I then turn to her mother, bowing I kiss her knuckles, "Madam."
Her father walks over to me, "Call me Jeff."
"And I'm Lorean."
I smile at them, "I am Grim Bloodsworth."
"It's wonderful to meet you, we are so glad that our daughter has finally gained a friend." Lorean turns to Raven, "Honey, will you please go get your brother?"
Raven nods and runs up the stairs. "Take a seat Grim."
"Thank you."
I take a seat to their table, "So how did you meet our little girl?"
"Well, today was the first day I was at the school and I have her first, third, and lunch period."
"That's wonderful, you know she walks to and from school. Maybe you could give her rides and get to know her a little more." Lorean and Jeff sit across from me and smile.
"If should wishes it to be so I have absolutely no problem with it." Raven and her brother walk down the stairs. I stand and bow to her brother, "Sir."
"You're the asshole that called my girl a whore!"
"I was simply being honest and I called her a harlot, there is a difference."
"What's the damn difference?" I enjoy the amount of anger this is putting him in.
"One is cheaper than the other. I'm sure she is quite a pleasant woman but she verbally attacked Miss Musslehiem and I was simply defending a friend. Plus Miss Evangeline's clothing choice doesn't help the whorish impression she gives off."
"You stood up for Raven?"
I turn to her parents, "Yes, I felt that it was needed."
"Oh! Hey Grim." Evangeline walks in smiling. She walks over to Raven and takes her hands. "Raven, I'm really sorry for being so terrible to you. I guess I was just jealous, what Grim told me today made me start thinking. Do you think you can forgive me?"
Raven eyes widen the more Evangeline speaks, "" She nods but she looks absolutely terrified.
"Can we try to be friends?"
I curiously watch this exchange then Evangeline turns to James, "Oh, I actually came by to talk to you." James smiles, "I'm leaving you."
"What!?" He clenches his fists and I can feel his furry rolling off him in waves. "Why?" He's trying to keep calm but it really isn't working.
"If I want to make myself better I must be around people who are better, you're not one of those people but Raven and Grim are."
"So what? Are you going to date Grim?!?!"
Smiling she shakes her head, "I would love to but I don't think he has a thing for me, he's more into your sister." Raven and I look at each other and I go wide eyed as she begins blushing.

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