Chapter IX

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~Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. (Napoleon Bonaparte)~

After dinner I stand and bow to Miss Musslehiem, "My apologies but I have work I must do."

She nods, "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning right?"

"Of course." I nod, "I bid you goodnight." With that I leave Miss Musslehiem and head to another city.

As I reach the house I had begun thinking about who it was that killed me, my fiance. I wonder how this man would feel if I caused his wife to murder him? With a terrible smile spread across my face I drift into their home. I find my way to the couple's room, the wife and husband sleeping peacefully side-by-side. I drift to the wife's side and whisper into her ear about her deepest fears. Her eyes fly open and without a word she walks out of the room. I take a seat on her bed and watch as she walks in with a knife. She walks to her husband's side and I nudge him awake, "What are you doing?"

"You bastard!" She screams and stabs him in the chest. His eyes widen as she stabs him again and again and again. Smiling I watch as she repeatedly stabs him painting us in his blood. She begins sobbing while stabbing him. "I trusted you."

Slowly she realizes that he is dead, "What did you tell her?"

I turn to see the husband's spirit standing watching as she sobs over his corps, "I told her that her worst fear was true."


"It doesn't matter why. It was your time to die and I wanted to have fun." I watch as she throws the knife away and calls the police, "I didn't think that she would turn herself in." I turn to the husband, "How did it feel to be killed by your wife?"

"I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest."

I nod, that sound about the same as mine only I wasn't in love with that woman, "Well it's time to go to the underworld." I show him off to his place and return home to Miss Musslehiem.

Two feathers fell.

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