Chapter VI

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~Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. (William Shakespeare)~

After the dinner with Raven's parents I excused myself due to work. Sighing I walk to the male's home. Letting myself in I take up a knife and walk to the male's office. He is sitting in front of his computer, I slowly walk up behind him and slam the knife into his back. He cries out and I take up the knife once before stabbing him in the chest. I watch as all life leave his body and I wait for him to cross over. I walk out of the house to find seven ravens taking to the sky. Seven feathers fall.

I have several more clients to attend to tonight. I wonder what Raven would think if she knew what I do... I don't care...but I really want to know... Growling I wipe off the blood and move onto the next client. This time I think I'll use a flail. Well this is going to get messy, won't it? As the carriage stops outside of the house I take up the flail and walk into the home. This one is a young couple, smiling I walk into the room they share. Carefully I bind their hands and feet, taking care to not wake them. I think I'll start with the male. I swing the spiked balls down onto his stomach, he wakes with a scream on his lips. I swing it again sending blood flying as it hits his chest. I swing it again and again destroying his face before doing the same with the female. I smile as they lay completely still, lifeless, and mutilated. I walk towards the door but stop when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I'm covered in glorious gore! I walk out to find thirteen crows and ravens sitting around my carriage. As I get closer they take flight. Thirteen feathers fall.

I get into the carriage, as we head home my mind wanders to Raven. Would she hate me if she knew? What if she saw me covered in gore? Would she fear me as many others do?

Raven Musslehiem's POV

~Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)~

After Grim left I excused myself, I run up to my room and sneak out of the house. I follow Grim's carriage to a house. After a few minutes of him being inside of the house seven raven's land near his carriage. Several long minutes passed and Grim finally walked out, when he did the ravens flew away. I follow him to another house. This time he was in there longer and more ravens landed as well as a few crows. Grim walks out covered in blood, the birds fly away. Did... did he kill those people?

I follow him back to his mansion, I stand there for a few minutes before knocking on the door. The door opens and I come face to face with a shirtless Grim who is drying his hair with a towel. "Oh.... Madam..."

"I know you killed those people." I blurt it out and my eyes go wide. What the hell was I thinking?!?! If he did kill those people then he will most certainly kill me to make sure I keep my mouth shut and not go to the police..... Why didn't I call the police?!?!

His eyes widen, "Please, Madam, come inside. This is not the place to be speaking of such subjects." When I hesitate he offers a soft smile, "I will not harm you. To me you are an ally not a foe." Slowly I nod and follow him into a drawing room. He takes up a white button up and places it on, covering his muscular chest. "Tea?" I shake my head, I sigh at his worried expression. "How do you know?"

"I followed you..."

He sighs in disappointment, at least that's what I think it was. Turning away from me he starts himself a cup of tea. "Did you call the police?"

I open my mouth but close it again. Why didn't I? That should have been the first thing I never crossed my mind... "No, I didn't..."

"Are you going to?" He turns to me and I simply shake my head, "Do you fear me?" He looks worried as he takes his seat across from me. Again I shake my head. "Ask you questions, I expect you have many."

"Why....why did you kill them?"

"I told you, I cross people over for a living."

"So.... you weren't kidding today?" He shakes his head taking a sip of his tea. "Who are you exactly?"

"Who is a form following what and what I am is an immortal of sorts. Now as to who I am. I am Grim Bloodsworth, I have been given the official title of The Grim Reaper. I work under the three fates. When they decide it is some wretched soul's time, I step in and take care of it."

"You mean The Grim in the skeleton guy that kills people? As in Death himself?"

He grimaces at the, clearly incorrect, depiction of himself. "I like to think of myself as more attractive than a skeletal man.... But that is how the world views me."

"Why are you here then?" It's sad how the whole world thinks of him as some evil monster.

"Because..." He sets his drink on the table between us before he looks at me. I can see his nerves bouncing around. "Your time is coming Miss Musselhiem....I've extended your time from tonight to a month from now....When I saw you age I convinced the bosses to allow me time to evaluate your situation..."

"You mean..." I was supposed to die today....?

"What I am saying is... you have a month to live."

"But... I've never had a boyfriend or gone on a date or...." Tears choke me as they begin to stream down my face burning my eyes. I glance at Grim who is stock still, like he doesn't know what to do. "My family beats me! I have no one that will miss me!...I've never really had friends...."

"I...umm....Madam I must ask you to continue as if you do not know a thing of this... You have Miss Evangeline and myself as your.....companions....we will be there....until the end...."

His awkward way of trying to console me somehow works, smiling slightly I wipe my tears away. It's sweet that he's even trying...he's the one that is supposed to kill me... "You're right." I let out a small sigh, "Is there a way I can learn more about all of this? What you do? Why you do it? What your life was like before..."

He stands quickly and behind his cool exterior I can see the pain in his eyes, "I don't remember life before..."

"I didn't..."

He shakes his head and walks to the window, "It must be nice knowing what your family looks like. The sound of their voices. What your first love was like. What it's like to not have a care in the world... To know if you married or had a child....if you were an orphan... I can't remember my mother's name let alone my own..." The sorrow in his voice is plain and heartbreaking. Standing I walk to him and place my hand lightly on his shoulder. He quickly hides his dispar behind his charming smile as he takes my hand turning to face me. "Please pardon my somber speech, I did not mean to dampen your mood by speaking my thoughts. It is not often that I speak with mortals let alone one that holds the beauty of a goddess and a pure heart of a child."

Blushing I look down, "How is it that with a few words each time you speak I am left blushing?" I'm glad he's no longer upset.

"I do not know Madam. Would you like to live here for you last month? You wouldn't have to worry about your family harming you." Smiling I nod, agreeing to live with him for the next month.

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