Chapter X

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~To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way to live; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent. (Buddha)~

Soon after the kill I walk into the house to find Miss Musslehiem is waiting for me. "You are covered in blood!!" She rushes up to me, "None of it is yours, right?"

"Of course not."

She hugs me and I hug her back, slightly awkward though. "Who was it?"

"Just some male."

She smiles, "How did you kill him?"

"I had his wife kill him for me."

Her eyes light up, "How did you do that?"

"I told her that he was cheating on her and she went mad."

Smiling she kisses my cheek. My face begins to burn but she doesn't seem to notice, "Do you want to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"What you saw." I simply look at her very confused, "In the store."

"Oh..." I take her hand and lead her to a chair. We sit down and I look at her. "I saw some of my past... I know my name was Grey. I was married... my wife killed me soon after we wed. She stabbed me multiple times. After I died the fates came to me and that's how I became who I am."

She refuses to look at me, after several moments of silence she speaks, "Did you love her?"

"No." Shaking my head I watch her.

"Then why did you marry her?" Oh poor humans don't understand what marriage really is.

"Marriage, then and often now, is a partnership. Married couples rarely like each other, often they couldn't stand each other."

She glances up at me before looking back down at her hands, "Would you be with me if you loved me?"

"Of course I would I just don't know how to ask you..." Soon after the words leave my lips I realize just what I've said.

"R-r-really?" Her cheeks turn bright red, it is a nice colour for her.

"Yes...I..." I think of the words I want to use to convey my unusual feelings for her. I look at her once I have decided what I'm going to say, "Miss Musslehiem.... Would you do me the honour of going steady with me?"

She nods excitedly and hugs me. "You have to start calling me Raven though."

"I shan't. I will begin using affirmations for this beauty I hold in my arms." She blushes and hides her face, burying it in my chest. "You will always be safe with me...until the bitter end, I promise you that." Right about that time is when the sound of sirens reach my ear. Breaking the hug I look out the window to find a cop car pulling in the drive. I open the door to be met with a burly man, "Hello officer, can I be of assistance?"

The man looks at me, "We want to apologize for bothering you this late but we are investigating the disappearance of Evangeline. She was seen entering your home but never exited."

I smile softly, "Yes, she came to me with her concerns earlier today. After we spoke I offered her dinner which she declined, she left shortly before Miss Musslehiem and I left for the store."

The officer looked past me, after writing everything I had said, and to Raven, "Can you back up what he is saying, Miss Musslehiem?"

She nods, "I can, I think that her concerns were of my brother. Ever since they broke up he's been kind of stalking her, I wouldn't be surprised if he got violent."

He takes down what she said, "Was this what she came to you about, Mr Bloodsworth?"

"It was and if you don't mind, my title is Sir or Duke."

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you so late, have a good night."

"The same goes for you. Godspeed! Our prayers go out to Evangeline." He leaves and Raven wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my shoulder. Turning to face her I take her face gently in both of my hands and I pull her slightly closer. Our lips meet and though mine are as cold as death she kisses back eagerly. Her soft lips move in sync with my own, how long have I wanted to kiss her like this? Her arms move up around my neck and my hands find their way into her hair and to the small of her back. Reluctantly we part and look into each other's eyes. As we stood there in the arms of one another.

One feather fell.

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