Chapter XI

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~The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. (Mark Twain)~

Today Raven's brother was found guilty of kidnapping and murdering Evangeline. Raven and I spent last night unburying her and placing her in Raven's family's backyard. Her parents were convicted as an accessory to murder. We are sitting in the courtroom and Raven can't hide her smile as she watches her parents and brother being escorted out of the courtroom after being found guilty.

As we leave she hugs me, "Now I don't have to worry about them ever!"

"You could have asked me to kill them." I hug her back and kiss her head. "But now they will suffer for what they've done to you."

Her smile brightens up her entire face, "Do you have to go to work today?" It's been two weeks since her and I have began this courtship and she has began calling what I do a job, she has accepted that this is what I do and it helps when we talk in public.

"Not that I know of, I may get called out though."

She nods her head, "When do I stop being your client? I know the time is getting closer."

"Next week on friday." Her smile falters, "I was hoping we could go out for dinner tonight, if you're not busy that is."

Her face brightens again, "Of course I'm not busy!!!" Laughing she hugs me again and I can't help but feel saddened that I only have a week left of this.


I'm waiting by the car for Raven to come out of the house. When she does I suck in a breath, she's absolutely stunning. She's wearing a beautiful white dress and she has her hair pulled up into an elegant bun. I open her door and help her in, "You are absolutely gorgeous."

Blushing she steps into the the car, I make my way to the driver's side and settle in, "Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise." I start driving, she didn't have to get so dressed up. I look down at my clothing choice, I'm in a suit ...again. Why do I feel like I have to impress her? We only have a week left and I feel like I have to make it the best week she has ever had...that we've ever had. I have been doing everything in my power to figure out what she likes, food, music, drinks, movies everything. Tonight is very special, I need to make her feel special. We reach the place where we have to get out. I park and kill the engine, I walk to her side and open her door. I take her hand and lead her down the candle lit trail out to the lake. There is a table set up with candles all around it and on the table there are two plates set nicely with Risotto Croquettes: Arancini Di Riso then beside them there is almond cheesecake for dessert and to drink we have berry sangrias. I hope she likes it. She just stops and stares at the scene in front of us. She covers her mouth with her hand and I see tears form, "Raven, darling..."

She hugs me and hides her face from me, have I upset her? Just above a whisper I hear her words, "Thank you Grim."

She loosens her grip around my neck and I bring her hands to my lips, I place a soft kiss on her knuckles, "You deserve this and much more." I brush away her tears and lead her to the table, I pull out her chair before taking my seat. I really hope she likes it, I tried my best on this. I made everything from scratch and did the settings myself, it turned out better than I had hoped.

I watch as she takes the first bite, her eyes close slowly as she chews, "Where did you get this?"

"I um...made it..."

"You mean this is what you were doing all day?!?"

"Well...yeah, I spent the day making the food and setting up this area."

Her smile grows and her eyes light up, "Thank you so much! This really means a lot to me."

"I'm glad it does." What is this feeling I have in my chest? We spend the next two hours just talking and eating, I try everything to keep that smile on her face and it seems to work pretty well. My phone beeps in my pocket, I quickly look at it and groan when I see it's from my bosses. I slowly stand from the table, "I am so sorry Raven...I have to go to work." I growl at the thought of ruining her night, "I meant for tonight to be special but..."

She stand and places her hand on my cheek, "It was special." Smiling she kisses me, I pull her closer not letting our lips part. Though I hate that I have ruined tonight I am overjoyed that she accepts this.. Me... slowly we part, "I want to come with you."

My smile grows, "Okay." I take her hand and we walk back to the car. As I close her door I notice a raven sitting in a tree watching us, it takes flight.

One feather fell.

I know what I'm doing is against my better judgment but I have to. We make it to the house and I help her out of the car, "Well, I think you should pick how to kill this couple."

A smile spreads on her lips, "How about a little house fire?"

"Sounds perfect." I lay a hand on the locked door and it pops open, "After you." I bow as she walks in, "Where should we create the fire?"

She looks around, "Freak stove accident?"

"Sounds like a plan." We make our way to the kitchen and I pull the stove out just enough that I can puncture the gas line in several places. "Let's get out of here before we set the place ablaze." She nods and we walk out of the house and lean on the car. I send a small spark into the house and watch as the place erupts in flames. We listen as the couple screams but there is another cry I hear, I lift my eyes to the second story window. I see a little boy, no older than six, beating on the window and crying. Without a second thought I run into the house and up the stairs, ignoring Raven's screams and the pain of the fire against my skin. I get to the room at the end of the hall and throw open the door. I pick up the unconscious boy and jump out of the window. I run to the car and lay him in the backseat. As Raven and I speed away we begin to hear sirens.

After making it out of the city I slow down and Raven begins to question me. "Are you insane?!?!"

"Just a little."

"Why would you run into a burning house?"

"That boy was not on my list, just his parents. I was not about to let the boy die, I didn't know they had a child."

She sighs, "You're burned all over." I take her hand and kiss it, "Are you hurting?"

I've never had someone ask if I was hurting... "Yes, it warms my heart that you worry about me."

"How bad?"

"Hmm?" I take a glance at her before looking back to the road, concern is etched into every line on her face.

"How bad does it hurt?"

"Pretty bad but I'm okay. When we get to the house we need to check on the boy though." She nods and for the rest of the drive we sit in silence as I hold her hand and rub her knuckles. When we get home I carry the boy inside and after checking for wounds we lay him down and I send Raven to bed as I watch over the boy.

Four feathers fall.

Two for the couple. Two for Grim.

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