Chapter IV

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~Sorrow usually results from one of the following causes either when a man does not succeed, or is ashamed of his success.(Seeca)~Raven Musslehiem's POVFor some reason I can't stop thinking about that snow-haired boy, shrouded all in black named Grim. He stuck up for me... He probably just wants to me my new tormentor... No he's different, that's clear. I just don't know what is wrong with him, no one ever wants to me near me...I'm a nothing. 
I'm now sitting in fourth period and stuck thinking about Grim. His handsome features and smooth voice won't leave my head. I feel someone sit down next to me, that's odd unless it's Grim no one...I turn to see the blonde devil, Evangeline, sitting beside me. 
"What have you got that he wants so bad?" She looks at me, "Sure you're pretty but you don't have a single friend... What made him choose you over me?"
"The fact that she knows how to treat others properly and the fact that she hasn't been treated properly, it's the perfect reason for me to become the first to show her how she should be treated." Grim's smooth voice answers her causing her to jump. "Every lady should be treated with the utmost respect." He takes my hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles in greeting, "Madam." He gives me a smile before taking his seat on the other side of me.
"I wouldn't get your hopes up girl, he wants to make you feel safe then leave you." Evangeline looks down.
"I do?" I can hear his curiosity, "No, I do believe you are wrong, I will never leave her side until she has crossed the threshold to the underworld. I am hear to make sure everything goes smoothly in her days until the very end."
He's...he's very committed to keeping me safe...why? "You are a strange man."
"That to me is a good thing, especially when the males around here insist on wearing their pants low enough to show off their boxers and use women for their own pleasure."
Evangeline and I look at him in shock. His phone goes off, he looks at it, "Mr. Bloodsworth, is there a problem?"
"I need to take this... it's work."
Mr. Jarrgen nods and Grim walks out of the room answering the call but he leaves the door open, allowing us to hear, "Yes... My apologies boss...yes...can you send me the names and times?....yes....she is in the wounds all well....Good day madams." He walks back in and takes a seat.
"Mr. Bloodsworth?" Grim looks up, "Where do you work?"
"It's not a place you would know."
"Well what do you do there?"
"I... I just follow orders."
"Do you break moral codes?"
"Maybe for others but I do anything and everything the Madams ask of me."
"Would you kill if they asked you to?" Mr. Jarrgen seems concerned now.
Grim chuckles slightly, "You have no idea. It seems like that's all I do for them."
"What would have to be your favorite...job they've given you?"
With a slight smile playing on his lips he answered. "I was told to follow a man in the Whitechapel district of London in 1888. I was told to watch as a man slit the throats of prostitutes before surgically removing their wombs and other organs. They gave the killer the name 'Jack the Ripper', it was fitting I think. Scotland Yard never caught the man, though this is true I was there and I was the one that got rid of him. But there are so many that I can't really choose one specific one."
Mr. Jarrgen smiles and laughs, obviously thinking that Grim was kidding but I'm not so sure. It seemed like as Grim spoke of the killings and the Ripper he was reliving a memory. "You were just kidding about all that right?" I whisper to him needing to confirm that he is not a murderer.
"Yes, of course madam." Oh thank god! I'm still a little unsure though. 
The rest of the day went as most, no one talked to me. There was no Grim but I couldn't help thinking about his dark black eyes, his white hair, the way he speaks to me, the way his muscles ripple through his shirt. Why did he have to come here? Why couldn't I love my life without knowing him? I know that he's just going to leave me like every other person. My own family hates me, like how messed up is that?
The final bell rings and I let out a sigh before walking on home, I really don't want to go inside but I know the longer I wait the worse it will be... with that in mind I walk into the house and up to my 'room' setting my bag in the corner before heading downstairs. "How was school?"
"It was good...." I lie to my mother because by now I know if I answer anything other than that she gets even more upset with me.
"Come here and let me look at you." Slowly I walk over to her. She takes my face into her hands and moves my hair revealing the bruise on my jaw, "Tsk, your father should be more careful." She shakes her head in disappointment. "Did you make any friends today?"
This isn't one of her normal questions, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to answer... "Yes, I made one."
Her face lights up and for once she is smiling because of me, "And is this friend perhaps a boy?" I nod slowly, "Wonderful! What's his name?"
"Grim...Grim Bloodsworth..."
She smiles, "You mean that rich young lord that just recently moved into that mansion?"
"I..I think so."
Mother is really starting to scare me, I've never had her act like this towards me. She pulls me into a hug. "What's going on?"
I jump at my father's voice, "Our little Raven has caught the eye of the young lord Bloodsworth."
Father smiles and hugs me as well, "That's our girl." What the hell is going on?!?! "Go on up to your room, your mother and I will make you a special dinner for being a good daughter."
Confused I walk up to the attic, which just so happens to be my room. When I open my door I see my brother sitting on my bed, "Who was that guy with you today? You know the one that called my girl a whore."
"He's a friend..." 
James grabs hold of my arm, "I want a name."
"You won't hurt him will you?" James slaps me across the face before kneeing me in the stomach, I double over in pain, holding my stomach.
"I said I want a name."
"Tell me you...won't hurt...him." James slams me against the wall, I slump down to the ground. I can't fight back against him. "Tell me..." I'm cut off when he kicks me in the stomach about five different times. When I stay silent he kicks me in the face, slamming my head against the wall. I let out a pained cry. I can taste blood....great Mother and Father aren't beating me today but I still bleed because of my family. James leaves the room, seemingly satisfied with his work.
Slowly I lift myself and slink to the bathroom, maybe I'm lucky and not bleeding from my head. I look into the bathroom mirror to find that I am not bleeding by I have several new bruises.

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