Chapter XIII

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~I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. (Clarence Darrow)~

Raven Musslehiem's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling wonderful, I look over to see Grim laying beside me facing away from me. That's funny, he's usually up before me. I shake him but I get no response, "Grim? Are you okay?" I get no response so I check for a pulse to see if maybe he's just sleeping but....I feel no pulse and he's not breathing. Tears threaten to falls, "Grim you better wake up! Damnit Grim!"

"What's wrong with dad?"

I turn to see Devin standing in the doorway and with a look of worry, "Nothing, he's just sleeping." I get up from the bed and walk to the door, "I don't think he's feeling good so we are going to let him sleep today, okay?"

"Okay." He nods and we go to the kitchen to make breakfast of some sort. I can't believe that I am about to call an undertaker for Grim.

I pick up my phone and dial the number for the local undertaker as I help make Devin breakfast. "Undertaker services, you are speaking with Undertaker. How can I help you?"

"I need a coffin...."

"Do you have anything in particular in mind?"

"I don't know...."

"Well what was his family name?"


"You mean I get to make a coffin for Grim Bloodsworth?!?! Can I please arrange the funeral?"

He sounds so excited, "Um...yeah."

"Well I have the perfect coffin for him. It's a beautiful oak coffin with a dark grey tone and finished with a shaded light grey velvet interior. It's only about 1,080 dollars and I assume you don't want a real funeral but a ceremony for when he gets placed in his family crypt, right?"

"Um...yeah I guess. I suppose it's only going to be me and Devin there."

"What was Sir Bloodsworth to you?" I butter Devin's toast and send him into the other room. He smiles and runs off.

"He and I had just started a relationship."

"And what is Devin to him?"

"Devin sees him as his father, after Grim saved him Devin has taken a liking to him."

"Would you like me to book a priest to bless his body?"

It seems a little weird that the Grim Reaper is dead.... "No....I think he would prefer if he was just lain to rest."

"Okay, I assume you are in his cabin on the beach?"


"I will come and get you, Devin, and the body later today. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that is fine. Thank you."

"Of course, remember to book your special day with Undertaker Services." I hang up and go to sit on the couch, I can't believe that he's gone....wait....I was supposed to die! He switched ......he switched places with me... meaning....I'm the Grim Reaper now....

I curl up on the couch and try to fight the tears that threaten to overthrow me. I feel the couch dip and I look over to see a worried looking Devin scooting towards me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing sweetie."

I offer him a soft smile and he hugs me, "I hope dad's okay."

Slowly my smile fades, "Devin...Grim isn't sleeping. He's your parents....I was supposed to be gone but Grim left instead so I didn't have to...We are going to have him buried today...." I can't stop the tears that spill over and I can see Devin's tears as well.


Grim looks nice in his suit and for some reason seeing him laying in that coffin, I feel like it suits him. As we are standing at the entrance to the crypt I have to hold Devin so that he does not run to the coffin that holds my beloved. The Undertaker is standing by the coffin placing rose petals in the coffin around Grim. Three figures clothed in black approach us, "Death." "Has." "Fallen." I look at the women and I nod slowly. I feel Devin getting closer to me. "This." "Has been." "Foretold." Foretold? What do they mean? "A human woman." "Would capture his heart." "And he would die." I just stare at them, they have to be the Fates but what's the point of them being here? "He gave." "Up his." "Immortality." Devin hides his face in my leg. "But he can come back." "The tears of one who loves him truly." "Can bring him back."

"We have wept for him! We do love him, trust me on this." I hear Devin's weeping and I kneel to his height and hug him to me.

One of the women walk over to us and takes Devin's hand, "Do you wish." "To see Grim." "One last time?"

He nods and follows the woman to Grim's lifeless form. "He's just sleeping."

"No my child." "He will never wake." "He is gone."

"No he's not!" Tears stream down Devin's face and he runs to Grim, "I'll show you!" He shakes Grim begging him to wake up with his tears falling onto Grim's chest. "He can't be gone!" He sobs while trying to wake Grim, soon his sobs fall silent as he sits looking at Grim in defeat.

I walk to Devin and take his hand gently. I pull him away from Grim and the Undertaker walks over to straighten Grim's suit before laying him down for his eternal sleep. "Madam, it is rude to leave without saying goodbye."

I turn at the familiar voice and run to Grim who as stood from the coffin. I hug him as my tears fall freely, "You bastard!" I hit his chest, "Don't you ever do that to me again!!!" He smiles a little and I hug him, I can't be mad that he left I am too happy that he is back.

I pick Devin up and Grim hugs us both, "Honestly I am confused as to why I am back." He looks past us to where the Fates had been standing but there is no one here, "I will see you soon, my dear bosses." He whispers it into the wind before smiling at us, "How does it feel to be immortal, my love?" A blush rises on my cheeks and Devin smiles, we are happy to have another chance with Grim. Maybe this one will last longer. As we hug, just standing there as a family I notice several ravens take flight from the crypt.

Eighteen feathers rise.

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