Chapter XIV

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~The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)~

Grim Bloodsworth's POV

As the last feathers of my life fall from the ravens I place a soft kiss on my Raven's brow before stepping away. I show myself to the palace of Hades where he waits with a smile on his lips. "So you've finally come to stay?" I nod slowly and look down at the ground, "What's wrong with you? I thought we would rejoice the day you came to stay."

"I thought so too..."

"Who did you leave?"

"The most wonderful woman and a child we decided to raise...Raven was so beautiful, her long black hair, soft white skin, soft pink lips. I always got lost in her eyes, her voice is one only described as angelic. The boy was always so happy, he was excited, and he always wanted to help."

Looking down I smile thinking of the little family that I had made. "Maybe you can see them again."


"Until then you should get settled in the palace. Remember you're family."

"Thank you Hades." Smiling Hades shows me to my room.

"Persephone will be making dinner soon."

"Please send her my sincerest apologies but I will not be eating tonight."

"I will." He nods and leaves the room.

I sit on the bed and sigh. I feel like someone is shaking me but I am sitting still and no one is around me. Soon I begin to hear sobbing and I feel like my shirt is getting wet and sticking to my chest but when I look down my shirt is completely dry. I feel someone hit my chest but once again there is no one around. All of a sudden the room fades away and it's dark. The sobs grow distant and I slowly open my eyes. I am laying on my back, I can smell roses and, I see a man I have become acquainted with standing over me fixing my suit all the while smiling. As he sees me looking he winks and moves away, this must be my funeral.

I sit up in the casket to find Raven and the boy walking away. As I stand from the casket I call out to Raven. "Madam, it is rude to leave without saying goodbye." I straighten my suit and she turns to me with a look of pure shock on her gorgeous face.

She runs to me and wraps her arms around me, wrapping my arms around her I place a small kiss atop her head. Then all of a sudden she hits my chest, "You bastard." What have I done to deserve that? "Don't you ever do that again!!!" I can't help but smile, I worried her and for some reason that makes me happy. She hugs me again and I can't help feeling bad that I worried her as well.

The boy runs over with the biggest smile on his tear stained face, smiling Raven picks him up and I hug them both. I am so happy to have them back, "Honestly I am confused as to why I'm back." I look past Raven to find the Fates standing and smiling at us, "I will see you soon, my dear bosses." Nodding they wave and walk away before fading back to their home. After they leave I smile down at my little family, "How does it feel to be immortal, my love?" She blushes and doesn't answer, instead she hides her face in my chest. "Why don't we go back to the cabin and I'll make dinner?"

"You just got back are you sure you want to cook?" She looks up at me and I can see the Undertaker closing the casket.

"Yeah, let me talk to the Undertaker really quick first." She nods and I walk to the Undertaker, "You knew I wasn't going to stay dead, didn't you?"

"I did." He smiles, "How do you like your suit?"

"It's a nice fit."

"You can have it free of charge." Laughing I pat him on the back, "Do you want to keep the coffin?"

It's a very beautiful piece of work, "Why not."

"Great, it's already paid for."

"Send it to the house." He nods and we part ways. "What should I make tonight?"

"Whatever you want, hun."

Smiling I think of all this possibilities of foods I could make for us, "What do you want?"

I look down at the boy and he smiles, "I want pancakes."

"Pancakes it is."

"For dinner?"

Raven gives me a curious look, "I can make us something else if you would like." She shakes her head and laughs a little. I would have missed her so much and that kid...I can't deny that I care for him. We get to the cabin, I change clothes, and then I take the boy into the kitchen so he can help me make the pancakes.

Raven soon joins us in the kitchen and perches herself on the counter behind me, "Are you making plain pancakes?" I can clearly hear the teasing tone in her voice and I gasp in horror.

"You think that I make anything plain? Today I am making pancakes with strawberries and chocolate throughout them. Then I intend on setting the with raspberries, syrup, and whipped cream." I turn to look at her and kiss her cheeks, "Remember my love, nothing is ever plain with me." Blushing she looks away and I turn back to the boy. "Would you like me to show you how to cut the strawberries so that they will give an even and rich taste throughout the pancake?" He nods excitedly and I begin to show him and explain why you cut it like this.

After a handful of strawberries are cut he speaks up, "I want to try."

Nodding I hand him the knife, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I'm right here, love, I will be able to stop him before he hurts himself."


I love the fact that she worries over him like a true mother would. I watch carefully as he cuts the strawberries and I begin to cut the chocolate into pieces. "You're doing a good job kid."

With a huge smile plastered on his face he continues cutting exactly how I showed him. "Babe there is a raven at the window and it looks like there is something around its leg."

"Let her in, love." As Raven opens the window the raven flies in and perched herself on my shoulder. I take the paper from around her leg and unfold it. "It's an official summons issued by Zeus. We need to leave now."

"How important is it?"

Raven's eyes widen in panic, "Important enough to gather the big 13, the Fates, and myself....." This can only mean that Zeus knows about Raven being immortal. "Thank you old friend." I stroke the raven's head as I take the knife from the boy and set it to the side. "We must leave now." Raven nods and I lead them to the back of the hut. As we walk out back there is a chariot waiting to take us to Olympus. "After you." I open the door and help Raven and the boy in before getting in myself. This is going to be bad, not only did I break the law by making Raven immortal but I am breaking the law once again by bringing a mortal to Olympus.

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