You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 1

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Hi!! My first story ever. Please comment, vote and fan (if you want!)

I DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO lilly-rain. She is a VERY good editor. Her stories are good too. Read them!!


Felicity’s POV

(Hey guys sorry for rambling but you can start playing the song now)

“How many inches in a mile? What it takes to make you smile? Betcha not to treat me like a child, baby!”

Selena Gomez’s Tell Me Something I Don’t Know blared through the freaking alarm clock on my nightstand. Darn, it’s seven. Time to get ready for school. I opened my eyes, blinking furiously from the light streaming into my room. Who the fuck didn’t close the curtains??? Oh right. Me.

I got up reluctantly, stumbling to my bathroom to prepare for school. I stared at my reflection through the mirror. I had silky black hair that reaches to my back, piercing green eyes that can burn through your soul when I’m pissed (or so my friends say), and a nice body. I’m eighteen this year which makes me a senior in my school and I live alone in this nice little house in front of the woods. My parents left two years ago. They still give me money now,how nice of them, right?  I picked out a pair of denim shorts and my favourite shirt that says “I RULE MY WORLD”. After putting on my black lace me ups, I was ready to go.

I got into my black Porsche turbo 911 (my parents gift for my sixteenth birthday before they left) and drove off to school.  When I reached Castillo High, I parked my car in my usual spot and I sighed, time for another day in this hell hole. As I got out of the car and searched for my friends Hailey and Jessica, a strong smell hit me. [Wolves] my inner wolf growled. Oh yeah, I’m a werewolf. I don’t belong in any pack though because I’m a rogue, and it looks like I’m not alone anymore. I think the pack seemed to have smelt me too as I saw three of their males look up and growled at me, but before they could walk over, I smirked back at them and turned away.

“Felicity!” I was tackled into a hug by Hailey, she was the talkative one of our group.

“Hey guys! Wassup?”

Jessica’s the smart one of the group and she’s shy, “Nothin’, but do you know that a whole group of students enrolled in our school?! All the males are like sooo hot that I could eat them all and-.”

“Ok ok! I get it!” Ahh… so that explains the whole new pack. I wonder who their Alpha is?

As we headed to our lockers, I looked at my timetable. Damn, math first! Then physics, literature, chemistry, lunch and yay! Study hall! I hate Math! I tell you, I’ll find the person who invented math and kill him! If he's dead, I’ll dig him up and dislocate him and-

“Felicity?? The bell rang, we need to go. See you at lunch!” Jessica and Hailey walked to their class while I walked to mine. I was kind of lost in my own thoughts about that crap mathematician when I bumped into a wall. Sheesh. It’s a hard hard wall, but then it moved. What the hell?! Since when do walls move?

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” a deep husky voice filled my ears, then the smell hit me.

I looked up into two pools of enthralling blue eyes. Shaking my head, I snapped out of the trance when I felt raw power, the kind that only Alphas have. Wait. That means… “Oh. So you’re the packs Alpha?” I drawled out, taunting him.

“Yeah, now move out of my way before I make you, rogue. We will talk later.”

“What the hell crawled up your ass? Cranky thing that doesn’t know how to apologize and be a gentleman.”

He growled, low enough for us to hear. “Listen here rogue, listen well. I’m the Alpha and I call the shots. So keep out of my way and we’ll discuss how to deal with you later” I could tell he’s using his Alpha power, but you see, I have the Alpha bloodlines too even though I’m a rogue, so it doesn’t affect me at all.

 “We’ll see about that, and oh by the way you going Alpha on me is useless,” I walked away, leaving him standing there fuming.


At lunch I met up with Hailey and Jess, with Hailey talking a mile per minute, “-There’s a guy in my class and he’s so hot! Felicity? Felicity Morgan Quinn!!! Are you listening?!”

 “Huh? Oh yah. You were saying there was a hot guy and-” God! That smell. Now it’s actually overpowering, I turned my head and saw the pack and the crap Alpha staring at me. With the darned school slut Desiree sitting on his lap, kissing his neck. Somehow that hurt a bit. I wonder why?

After lunch I went straight to study hall, only to see the Alpha and Desiree having a full on make out session in the corridor, with Desiree moaning his name like crazy, “Nicholas…” Oh so his name is Nicholas.

 “Seriously guys, go get a room. Don’t corrupt my virgin eyes!” Nicholas and slut ignored me and carried on with their swapping spit session. I too turned my back on them and left, feeling some sort of aching in my chest.

The rest of the day went uneventfully. We got a free period for study hall, as always.

After school as I drove home and I wondered why I was reacting this way whenever I saw Nicholas and Desiree together. [Hey wolf? You know what’s happening to me?] I asked my very quiet wolf. The next words I heard made my heart drop all the way down to my ass, [Yeah. I suspect he’s our mate.]

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