■ Prologue

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This story contains childish writing and the writer hopes you don't regret your time. If it happens, the writer is sorry. This is the writer's first story on wattpad and she requests you to check out her other works as those are a bit more polished and revised. If you still want to give this story a try, the writer says thank you because the amount of childishness in this story surpasses her own.

Her first language isn't english, so any mistakes, feel free to point out and she will check and correct it.

There are some unintentional and some intentional clichés but those are necessary for the pace and mood of the story. However, there are no bad boys, mean cheerleaders, best friend/hater turned to lover, vampires or werewolves. In fact, there is hardly any role of the school or classes here.

It has fluff and angst. You will enjoy it for light reading.

None of the characters are fully Mary Sue's or Gary Stu's.

Warning : Contains cursing.


Trouble doesn't arrive if you don't invite it in. But just like some relatives, it sometimes comes uninvited and makes you wish that you could just murder yourself or at least someone before you die in the boring conventional way of old age.

And specially teenagers. Its the age of perpetual irritation and confusion about everything that's going around them.

It all started with my sister.

It was a bright sunny sunday morning and I had just had my breakfast. After a bath, I had laid down and started studying because I had the skipped my lessons last few days due to my distant aunt's prolonged anniversary party in which I had also helped in.

I was trying to remember the word "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" when the door to my bedroom banged open and in came my twin sister.

"Hey Alli!" Alice came in without knocking and plopped down on my bed, wrinkling my neatly folded bedsheets. The bed made a creaking sound as she spread out and made a content sigh as if it was a normal everyday routine.

As if we were the best of friends like few years back.

I put down my biology notebook down and raised my eyebrows suspiciously. She was looking extra chirpy and again, suspiciously happy and expectant.

Alice never came to my room without any hidden motive. Ever. Not even if the apocalypse came or fire broke out at our place. She was too much into her own world now to look back at me.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked, closing my notebook and straightening my glasses which always slid down my nose due to my oily skin. It really annoyed the hell out of me.

"You seriously think I want something from you? I am hurt, sis," She placed her hand on her heart mockingly and gave an ugly pout which made me want to tell her the truth.

She never called me "sis" ever. Double suspicion.

I rolled my eyes at her childish tactics as she stifled a smile, knowing very well she was already getting under my skin.

Meet Alice Marshall. My identical twin sister. Physically, everything about us was the same. We both had unnaturally long black hair cascading till our back, same figure, same height, etc etc. You understand the basic deal of the identical twin phenomenon.

The only differences between us were her sea green eyes were lighter than mine. Her's were a more greenish while mine were fully sea green. Plus, Alice had a small beauty spot on her elbow which I didn't have.

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