■ Epilogue

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Two months later

I hid behind a pillar and peeked at Jared hugging his parents, sister and friends. His friends stood there sadly while he hugged his mom who was crying buckets out. Kyle had sorted things with Naomi out few days back. They were happily dating now.

Kyle and the other guys weren't exactly back to friends with me but Naomi told me they didn't hate me. They were simply disappointed. That hurt so much more.

Jared had been angry with Trevor, but Alice told me he had spoken to him cordially on the phone yesterday. He didn't avoid speaking to Trevor and even said he was happy for Trevor when he got to know about them.

Trevor and Alice were still on the brink and not moving forward. It was going slow as it was now a long distance, but they were both happy. Alice had stopped seeing other guys, though she didn't admit that to Trevor. They spoke, skyped and stayed in touch.

It wouldn't be long before she admitted and got back with him.

So, it was just me left who was still stuck at the same place. I hadn't moved forward or backwards. Jared was alright with everyone and had forgiven them, except me.

I didn't speak to him after that wedding day. He didn't reply to my messages or calls, so after a point I knew it was hopeless. I gave my exams and results came out which were satisfactory. I was starting college from next week and Alice was going to another college.

I didn't know whether Jared would come back or not. He would stay there for at least three-four years if my calculations were correct. But I hoped he would return and maybe, somewhere in the future we would sort things out.

I didn't want a forced relationship out of him if he didn't want one but I really wanted him to forgive me sincerely. I knew what I had done wasn't exactly an esteemed deed but I was ashamed of it and fervently hoped that one day he would let his anger step aside and forgiveness take control.

I saw his his eyes wandered for a moment as if searching for someone. I quickly hid myself behind the pillar, knowing he wouldn't like it if he saw me. I didn't want him to feel angry right now when he was all set for a better future with no interruptions from me.

"Bye, Jared. All the best in life," I whispered.

Jared took his luggages and went in, waving them goodbye. His mom had her head resting on Hailey's shoulder while his dad gently rubbed her back. Mark held Hailey's hand and nodded at something Jared's dad said. Jared looked at them for one last time and then turned in front.

I walked back to my car, wiping my now regular tears. It had been a while I had smiled and laughed to my heart's content. I didn't even laugh or dance with joy when I passed and got admission in college. Everything seemed mundane in life now.

It was painful, but so was life. What had gone wouldn't come back now, like Jared Grey.

I visited Rookie point few times and sat there alone for hours staring out into the distance and wishing more than anything Jared was here. I still loved him and knew that in the future, even if this faded away, I would remember him. Afterall, it was the sacred first love stuff and all.

Sometimes the person with whom you think you will end up with, doesn't end up with you. Its normal and common. It was just a shock to me which would pass with time, I knew.

I always thought Jared was my "the one" but apparently he wasn't. He didn't want to be my "the one." He was never my "one."

I just wished he had listened to me for once. But that was okay. It was life, it didn't always turned out to be the way we wanted. We just had to accept it.

He was moving on.

So, now it was my turn.



This is my first work in Wattpad. Its poorly written and childish. Forgive the mistakes, people.

If you want more polished work, go check out my work "Futile". Its a lot more detailed and intricate work.

2020 update:

So, I am opening this story after 4 years again (I did some minor editing though in between) and I see the cast cannot be seen which I had previously given.

You can imagine them as you want but in case there was any query:

* Victoria Justice as Allison/ Alice Marshall

* Alex Pettyfer as Jared Grey

* Hayden Panettiere as Hailey Grey

* Chad Michael Murray as Trevor Anderson

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