■ Close save

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"Oh joy," I read the list as I looked around the shelves.

"Damn. Its so boring. Eggs....bread...." I ticked off from the list as I started putting the things in the cart.

"Allison?" A familiar voice spoke.

Uh oh.

Jared stood there smiling as usual. He was standing few feet away with his shopping cart. Run Allison, before he recognises you. I was in my usual attire now.

"H-hi, Jared," I turned towards the shelves, grabbing the items quickly.

"Shopping, huh? I came for some chocolates. Hailey, my elder sister loves it. She is getting married-" He chatted.

Man, this guy chatted with everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to give strangers his bank account number at this rate.

"I gotta go. Bye," I mumbled and rushed to the counter.

"Huh? Wa-"

"Can you please hurry up? My sister is sick. I gotta go fast," I blabbered to the cashier. She nodded and started scanning.

"Hey Allison, did I say-" Jared walked towards my direction.

"Bye. Good to see you again," I ran out, throwing the money on the counter without taking the change.

Close save.


"Seriously, that was a close save," Alice said as I took out the items from the bags.

"I know. He can recognise us now. If he had seen me, we would be gone. I stood side facing him, hope he didn't notice," I took deep breaths.

"Alli, I wanna say thanks," Alice bit her lip.

I looked at her. Was she drunk?

"I am sorry for shouting that day. You were helping me and I blew it up. You want pizzas? I owe you three pizzas, right?" She asked, looking apologetic.

"Yeah but he has asked me to hang out again with him this Sunday. So, make that four," We giggled. We just had a polite conversation. Woah.

We took out the items quietly, not speaking at all.

"Tell me one thing, Alli. Why can't you say no to him? Is it really that hard? Be a bitch for once and say no. Stop thinking about others," She said suddenly.

"I don't know, Al. He is a really good person, it seems. You know what he said? He doesn't want sex, he wants to know me...you. And the way he says, I just can't say no. He oozes innocence and warmth," I smiled softly, remembering his talks.

"Haa!" She exhaled dramatically.


"You like him! Yes! Allison Marshall likes Jared Grey!" She squealed.

"What? No! I don't 'like' like him. I like him as a friend," I shook my head.

"Oh, please. If you didn't like him you would say no long ago. You want to spend time with him because you like him. I am your twin sister. I understand," She rolled her eyes, "Allison Grey. How sexy."

"That's stupid. We barely even know each other," I laughed out.

"You will know each other. Its just a matter of time. All these cheesy stories start with 'we barely know each other' and ends with 'we can barely live without each other'," She clapped her hands together.

"You are going too far-"

"Has he kissed you yet?" She raised her hand to stop my rant.

I rolled my lips in, thinking about that one peck on the cheek. "Does a peck on the cheek count?"

"Meh, not so much, but its a start!" She nodded excitedly. "Start with cheek, proceed to the lips and then-"

"Stop right there. You do realize I am still Alice to him, right? Once he gets to know-"

"He will do nothing. Things will go on as they are happening. That guy is too much into you to stay angry," She said as a matter of fact.

"You mean yourself. I dress as you, so he likes the idea of you," I corrected.

"Then, why don't you meet him as Allison?" She retorted, "I've got nothing to contribute anymore."

"I don't know," I paused, "I don't know why I am not telling him yet," I frowned, "Maybe because I fear he might break things off, even the friendship and I don't want to get rid of him just yet. He is a good person and I really don't know if I like him yet to be in a relationship, but I like spending time with him," I explained.

"That means you like him. Its too soon, I agree but you are really happy nowadays and you are getting out of the house more often. You have no idea how relieved mom and dad are, even if dad is a bit suspicious," She said softly.


"Yeah, they spoke to me while you were out," She nodded, "If that guy makes you happy, go for him. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness," She shrugged.

I stared open mouthed at her. What just happened to the old Alice? Who was the imposter?

"What if he turns out to be another Trevor?" I asked.

"Look, Trevor broke my heart but I am practical enough to know that not all guys are like him, specially that guy," She referred to Jared, "If you go on thinking so much about every guy that comes your way, you are gonna end up with a bunch of cats and a stinking body. You can have fun like me but you are not a girl to have flings. You are meant for a true relationship. Jared is good if you say so. I take back my words from that day that all guys want one thing. He doesn't."

I chuckled, "Its true."

"I am not telling you to marry him, neither is he. But, just go out on some more dates and decide. Though, marriage does seem fitting-"

And, she was back.

"You really need to stop daydreaming, Alice. It will never be anything more than friendship for now. I will see what happens in the future but now, lets keep it till friendship. Just order the pizza. I am in my room," I walked to my room, shaking my head.

I laid on my bed and grabbed the pillow.

I didn't like him. Did I? Just because I found him hot.... I didn't like him.

He didn't like me. He liked Alice. Not Allison. I was just a dummy of Alice. A fake person trying to act like someone who she was not.

Jared+ Alice= Jalice.

Yes, maybe.

Jared+ Allison= Allija?

No way! Sounded nasty.

Jared liked Alice Marshall. Not Allison Marshall.

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