■ You again

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Jared stood there grinning and waiting for us to speak. What was he expecting? That we would burst in joy and prance around? My mouth opened and closed itself as no voice came out. I blinked rapidly.

Out of all the people he had to be Jared's cousin? Jared's cousin?!

Can't the world get crueler?

This time Trevor scrunched his eyebrows as he looked at me, frowning, "Alice? Its Alli-"

I think it is option two. He hadn't recognised me in the dark. He knew I was Allison. I could see it on his face. He had recognised me.

"Jared, um... I need to use the washroom," I said quickly.

"Huh? Right now?" Jared asked,"But-"

"Please, its kind of urgent," I said, avoiding looking at Trevor.

"Oh, okay. Its upstairs, third door to the right," He said, a bit taken back by my lack of enthusiasm and manners on meeting his cousin.

"Thanks," Without further ado, I rushed upstairs, taking two steps at a time.

Oh no, I am busted.

Oh no, I am busted.

Jared is gonna hate me now. Alice will hate me now.

I don't want him to hate me. Maybe I could climb out of the window, but the window was too small for me to fit in. I could slowly walk out when everybody was busy inside. Nobody would see. Jared would be inside with Trevor. Hailey and others had better things to do than follow me. Yes, I woud escape.

Call me an escapist, but I sucked at confrontations. I would prefer running away and saving all the drama. I could always write a huge apology note later.

I stood near the basin and took deep breaths. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. The washroom was huge, of course but I was too preoccupied for observing the wonders of architecture.

What was I gonna do now? By now, Trevor must have told him everything. Jared must have known the truth. He was fuming with rage, perhaps. What if he threw me out before I could run away?

I was already here for some time now. I need to go down. Jared would be soon looking for me. He could carry an axe for killing me. My heart was thumping loudly and sweat beads were popping on my forehead.

Since I was dead already, why postpone my funeral?

I took a deep breath, opened the door, walked out and was about to go down when a hand grabbed me from some corner and pulled me aside in a secluded corner.

"What the-"

"Ssshhh. Its me," His familiar voice spoke.

"Trevor? What are you doing here?" I asked, checking the surroundings.

"The correct question would be what are you doing here, Allison Marshall? Why did Jared call you Alice?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Everyone was downstairs partying. Nobody would hear us if we choked each other to death. And to think I once thought him as my future brother-in-law. He was frowning and his face held questions.

"I am Alice. I don't know what you mean," I said, looking around so nobody would spot us.

He rolled his eyes and then grabbed my elbow and turned it lightly.

"No beauty spot. And please Allison, I know you both from the back of my mind. I know its you. Why are you lying? Are you doing any sort of prank on my brother?" He asked seriously.

"Oh, please. The word 'cheating' or 'pranking' does not sound good from your mouth," I snapped.

"So, that night it was you? And that guy was Jared?" Trevor asked, ignoring my insult.

I kept quiet. Why ask questions when you already know the answer? Idiot.

"Allison," He pressed.

I gave a stiff nod, crossing my arms.

"Why didn't you say it was you Allison? I could have spoken to Alice!" He whisper shouted, shaking his head, "I wanted to speak to her."

"Don't you go near her Trevor Anderson or I will personally castrate you. Haven't you hurt her enough? What more do you want?" I whisper shouted back.

"Listen, Allison. That's between me and Alice. Don't come in between," He groaned.

"Anything related to Alice is related to me. She is my twin. I know her better than anyone else. So shut the fuck up and leave. Don't you dare come near Alice or anyone of us," I warned, pointing a finger at him.

"Why are you here as Alice?" He asked, completely ignoring my warning again.

"None of your business!" I spat.

"Just as Alice is your sister, Jared is my brother, even if its cousin. If you don't say anything, I am speaking to Jared. I didn't say anything to him yet but if you don't say, I will tell him," He said coolly.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Congratulations. You have just been promoted to the rank of 'fucking bastard' from just 'bastard'. That's how you play, right? Dirty?" I asked, glaring at him, "God, no wonder Alice hates you so much."

He sighed, "Allison, there has been a lot of misunderstandings. I made some terrible mistakes two years ago. I need and want to rectify them."

"Mistakes? You call them mistakes? Try crimes. Sins," I was having a hard time controlling my pitch.

"Please tell me why are you here as Alice. Has anything happened to her? I promise I will clarify everything if you just tell me," He pleaded this time.

I stood there debating. He wasn't a guy to be trusted. But we both knew he had the upper hand. If I didn't tell him, he would go down and create a scene. Hailey's party would be ruined and I already liked her too much to do it.

"What you tell me has nothing to do with Alice right now. Why is Jared calling you Alice?" He repeated again.

"I am doing this for....Alice." I said sourly, "Jared saw her one day and pursued her after that. She didn't want to be with him, so she told me to pose as her and drive him away. But now-"

"You can't drive him away. I get it. He has that effect on people. Everybody loves him," He smiled weakly.

"Enough of this thing. Now why are you here? You went to Ohio and then stayed there for two years. Why did you come back?" I snarled.

His face fell and I saw he looked tired. He rubbed his face and sighed before giving me a look.


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