■ Dresses and romance

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"Nah! Too tight," Hailey mumbled, wiggling inside the dress. She looked constipated and uncomfortable.

"Don't you have a loose fitting than this?" I asked the woman in charge.

"Yes, we might. I will get it for you," She said and went away.

"Thank you so much for coming, Alice. You have no idea how stressed out I am feeling," Hailey nervously giggled, "The wedding's still away but I need everything to be perfect."

I have never seen Hailey nervous. Normally she was cheerful or teasing. But nervous? Never. Then again, I barely knew her.

"No problem, Hailey. You need to calm down," I rubbed her back, "Its your wedding, you are allowed to be nervous."

"Why don't you choose a gown for my wedding?" She asked.

"Um... no... its okay. We need to choose your dress first," I said awkwardly.

"Yes. Its on the way. I also want you to buy something. I wish you were my bridesmaid. It would be cool, all I have are some annoying distant cousins whom I have never seen before," She pouted.

"I don't have a budget to buy a gown," I smiled.

"I will buy it for you," She simply said.

"Absolutely not. If I buy, it will be on my own money," I said without any hesitation.

"Then go buy one. Please."

"I need to call my mom and ask. She might flip out if she sees I have bought one without asking her first," I fished out my phone from my pocket.


"Hey, mom," I chimed when she picked the phone.

"You are pregnant?" That was her first question.

"What?! No! Hailey wants me to buy a gown for her wedding day. I have a dress I am wearing on the engagement day. So, I need one for the wedding. The problem is its outside my budget. So, can I use some of the emergency money you gave? I promise I will pay it back somehow," I said quickly.

"Alli, you may. But spend wisely, I know you will repay me back. Check the range. You know the limit," My lovely mom answered. Seriously, I love her to death.

"Thanks, mom. You are the best," I grinned.

"Yup. Green card," I smiled at Hailey, cutting the call.

"Perfect. The lady is still searching. So, lets choose your dress," She started picking up dresses.

"Nope. Too bright."

"Too light."

"Too poofy."

"Too tight."

"Too sparkly."

"Too slutty."

"Aha. This one looks good. Try this one," She held a peach colored gown just as the boys entered the shop.

"Hey, girls!" Jared and his friends trotted in, looking fresh and radiant.

I waved to them.

"Look, baby bro. I am choosing this dress for Alice. How is it?" Hailey asked, holding the dress out.

"Yeah, its good. The flowers are done. You need to talk about the cake and the champagne," Jared said, giving a nod.

"What about your dress?" Levi asked.

"The woman is bringing it," Hailey replied, "This one is too tight."

"Can't argue about that," Ross mumbled soft enough for me to hear and I giggled as he winked at me.

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