The Suspect

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Silence. I found I used this technique a lot. I also found that it angered the humans. When we walked into the building they called 'the station' everyone stared. Human eyes are drawn by movement, so us walking in on people that were mainly sitting drew their attention. But I found that I kept it. As they pushed me forward, quite rudely might I add, I couldn't help but noticed their faces. They all seemed to have that same grim look about them. Crime was their life, was this the effect of that? They also seemed dead inside, but not like me, it just seemed like anger was their only emotion. Some looked at me in shock, but it was ultimately that same anger filled hollowness.

I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror that couldn't have been a few feet from me. Dead gray eyes stared back, which cause a flare of anger. And before the anger could fade my body seemed to move on its own volition. There was a loud shattering sound that rang throughout the now quite station. The mirror was broken. I had broken it.

They all now wore that same look of shock.

"Mirror. Broke." I said flatly.

The two blue boys were a bit taken back that I had shaken their hold so easily. After a second of stupidly gaping they grabbing me and started pushing rudely again.

"Geez lady. Why'd you do that?" The thinner blue boy asked. His tone confused me. I didn't know what it was.

"I didn't like what I saw. So I wished to not see it anymore."

"Well lady, you're going to hate the interrogation room." The other one stated, only glancing at me with only his eyes. I tilted my head to the side at his comment.

"Interrogation room?" They both just chuckled, not answering my question. This was most displeasing.

I found why I would not like this particular room. It has a large mirror that takes up half of the wall. I was forced to look at myself. I no longer felt a tinge of anger so I simply just stared unblinkingly at the reflection that is me. With out looking much around the room I could tell it was just a basic brown color with a shiney rectangular table in the middle. The two blue boys undid the bonds they put me in only to bind me to the table. I pulled slightly at my binds.


Finally, the door opened and a women came in. She wasn't wearing blue but black and white. A white under layer with a black layer that covered her arms and shoulders. Master told me what they were called, cardigan. I think. She was holding two brown cups.

She didn't say anything. But she did put one of the cups in front of me. I looked at the cup, then to her. I blinked a few times as she stood there, arms crossed, lips pursed. She was studying me. Curious.

"So. Finn and Cole said that you killed those people. Ripped out their hearts?" She went from standing to sitting. I remained silent.

"I got you some water. You thirsty? Hungry?" She said motioning to the cup in front of me.

"I require no sustenance."

She just nodded. Lips pursed.

"So then let's start with the more..." -she made a motion with her hands as she looked for the word- "...standardized questions." She grabbed a folder out of nowhere and placed it on the table.

It was the people I killed. They weren't right. Their hearts hadn't made me human. Consumption I found helped little. And even if I had felt something, it didn't last long enough.

"This ones name was Ross, this one was Mason. This one." She pointed to a women, my more recent kill.

"Her name was-"

"Melody." I ended. I knew her name. And her child.

"So you know her? Did you know her son was hiding in the closet when she was killed?" She stared me down. Intimidating, sure. But I sat there. Expressionless. This seemed to frustrate the women.

"Alright. Let's start with you alibi then. Where were you on the night of November 18th?"

I sat perfectly still and stared at her. Perhaps if I stared at her, unblinkingly, for long enough, she may feel fear.

"Not a talker eh? Fine. Let's start somewhere simple. What is you name?" She leaned back in the chair and watched me with analyzing blue eyes.

"Name?" Master calls me Little Doll. But I doubted that a human would find the name 'Doll' a fitting name.

"Yes dear. What is your name." A certain amount of mockery laced her words.

"I have no name." She just laughed. Not really a laugh. More like a puff of air. As well as shook her head.

"We'll just have to call you Jane Doe then."

"No. Do not call me by any name." My words were more forceful than I originally intended. She looked at me. A saw anger dance behind those eyes of hers before she got up to leave.

I sat there for a almost an hour. I found I was growing bored. Perhaps I should leave. But I must admit I was quite curious about this whole process. As I was thinking the door opened and the girl walked in, but the thicker blue man accompanied her.

"Well, no name. We're going to take your fingerprints now." They set down a small black bottle and a piece of paper.

"Finger prints." I glanced down at my hands. The pale scars that circled my wrists were barely visible under these silver shackles.

The women harshly took my hands and freed them from the shackles and dipped my thumb in the black bottle. The blue boy was just standing there. Didn't seem to know what to do.

After she dipped my thumb she moved it over to the paper and pressed it. She even moved side to side. But when she lifted my thumb up all she found was a splotch of black. Her brow creased at the sight.

"What the-" she turned my hand around and examined my fingers.

"You have finger prints. I can see them clearly." She dipped my pointer finger next and repeated the process she did with my thumb. Still, all that was left was a black smudge mark. She seemed to become frustrated. Her eyebrows seemed to come closer and closer together the more she thought about it.

She looked at me quizzically. Confession laced her blue eyes.

"Take her to the holding cell. We'll deal with it more in the morning."

"Yeah. Want to take the wife out to that steak place across the street." The blue boy chuckled.

"Ah. You mind of David and I join you. We need to get out."

"Sure." The man shrugged. They had forgotten I was there. How rude.

They put me in a a barred cage with a small bed in the corner. The women took my shackles off and locked the cage door.

I sat there and waited. A brisk man with a black mustache brought me food and drink. It had long since gone cold. I found I was quite done with this station and summons the door. It appeared before me and welcomed me into it. I took one look at some device in the corner outside of my cell, and walked through the door.

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