Delectable Guarbage

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Sophie's house was large. She was the only child and she lived in a two story. Kind of like Alice did. But this seemed larger. It was really designer-esc. The couched matched the interior. It was white while the walls were black and the blankets were zebra print. A black vase with red decorated flowers sat in the middle of the glass coffee table.

It seemed to be a different design in every room. The kitchen had a lighter more open feel. The walls were white, but the cabinets were baby blue.

"Dads an interior designer. Also a bit of a clean freak. Mom is an amazing cook though. He owns her own restaurant and everything. You can stay for dinner if you want." Sophie beamed.

"Mmm. Love food. We'll stay." Fey said with a dreamy look in his face. Hal and I gave him sideways glances, but otherwise didn't complain.

"Dad. I have some friends over for a project." Sophie called to the large home. A voice echoed from the door that was in the kitchen.

"Just don't mess anything up. And do it in your room."

"K." A look of fear danced across her face before it disappeared. "Just stay down here. I got to pick up my room a bit. It's messy." I nodded as she bolted up the stairs.

"Raid fridge?" Fey said already opening the door. "Ugh, all they have is stuff that has to be cooked. Gross."

"Some people have to eat healthy in order to maintain health." Hal said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah. How could I possibly forget this?" Fey rebutdtaled sarcastically.

"Do you guys even care about this project?" I wondered. Fey laughed and Hal just shook his head.

"Then why are we here?" I growled. Fey patted my shoulders.

"For the pure enjoyment of stalking his girl." My mouth formed and 'o'. I see. It's all for their games. I could get behind it. I stuck out my lip and nodded.

"Alright. You can come up now." Sophie's voice called from up top the stairs.

"Why thank you my lady." Fey bowed, grabbed her hand, and landed a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Uh t-thank. I mean. No problem." She stuttered. Her eyes looked up at Hal, who wasn't paying attention. I raised an eyebrow but no one noticed.

Her room was probably the least messy thing I'd seen in my life. Her desk was perfectly straight. Her laptop lined up perfectly with the top of the desk. The pencils were the exact same distance apart and perfectly placed. Her bed was wrinkle-less. What exactly was there to clean?

"How well do you know the structure of an atom?" The rest of two hours were spent with two surprisingly geniuses and two dumbfound girls staring blankly as they spewed off their genius. Show offs.
"Dinner is ready!" I hadn't even noticed the mom had come home until we were in our third hour of this damn project.

"Thank god." Fey cried, jumping up and bolting down the stairs.

The rest of us walked calmly down into the kitchen. Fey was already there, with a large grin on his face.

"So you're Sophie's friends. That's good. Sophie doesn't really have much friends."

"Mom." Sophie wined. Her mother had the same black hair as Sophie. Her hazel eyes were the same too, but the structure of her face was different. Her nose was slightly larger and more pointed than Sophs. Her eyes were more slanted, she almost looked asian. Most likely a mix.

Her mother just giggles at her daughter. What a lovely home.

"So what's for dinner Mrs...?" Hal asked curiously.

"Logan. Mrs. Logan. You can call me Julie though. And we're having pasta with my special sauce." She gave us all a wink.

It's funny. She looked older than us, but in reality, we were older than her. It almost made me laugh but I bit my tongue.

It had gotten dark out. It was only seven but in the approaching winter, the sun sets faster. I didn't mind. I loved the night. I could feel that empty hole in me getting wider. Craving a soul. We'll have to hunt either tonight. Or tomorrow night.

It smelled great. I found I loved the smell of garlic. It smelled wonderfully appetizing. When Julie offered me a piece of roasted garlic I didn't refuse. It didn't taste as good as it smelled. But I swallowed it anyway. Fey laughed at the face I made. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

Hal was twirling in the spinning chairs, impatient for the food they had an island that connected to the counter. It made a U shape. The stove was high grade and even had a siphon for the smoke. These people seemed well off.

"So how's the project coming along?" Sophie's mom asked.

"My head hurts just thinking about it." Sophie grabbed her head in emphasis.

"Piece of cake. I don't think we'll have to be doing anymore after school. We're actually almost done." Hal was playing with a fork now.

"It's good to know that Sophie's new friends are so smart." She laughed. Her back was to us as she stirred the sauce. I couldn't help but think it would be easy to go up behind her and slit her pretty pale throat. A bit of dark red stained the edges of my vision and I quickly dismissed the thought.

"Here you go guys. Enjoy. I'm going to take a bowl down to Mr. Logan." She chuckled as she thought if her husband. I wonder what was so funny to her.

"Damn this is good. No wonder she owns her own restaurant." Fey said after one bite.

"She's amazing. I love my mom. What about you guys. What's your mother like? Or mothers." I almost choked on my pasta.

"Our dad's a real creep honestly." Hal spoke up. It wasn't our mom, but it would have to do.

"Is he that bad?" If it were possible for Hal's face to get anymore stoney, he had done it. He looked almost pained when he thought about the toy maker.

"Well I like your mom. She's got a lot of charisma." Fey wolfed down more food.

I caught Hals eye and gave him a quizzical look. He just blew me off. I narrowed my gaze. He squirmed under the pressure. He gave me a look that said 'knock it off' so I just twitched my eyebrow and turned back to the pasta. It was pretty good.
After we left we were hungry for something else. Something with more soul. I refused to be the bait this time and instead Hal went. He was so pro with these three girls. They looked like hookers. He got close to them and whispered something in their ears. They basically stripped down right there for him, but we got their to end their lives soon enough. Hal's fake facade was now demolished and he went back to brooding. 

Their souls tasted like a bitter strawberry. Not yet ripe. And even a bit grainy, dry, hollow. I wondered if my soul would taste like anything. If I had a soul, that is.

"I think we should find some tastier souls next time." Fey was walking with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed again.

"I thought you didn't mind delectable microwaveable crap?" Hal mocked. Fey smirked at him.

"What souls taste good?"

"Oh Apple. You have so much to learn." Fey said in his best wiseman tone.

"Well. It's depends. Fey tends to like virgins-"

"Figures." I mumbled.

"I like broken people. Not like Fey kind of broken, but more like...sad. I'm not sure who you like."

"Younger souls." I didn't have to think about it to know they tasted pretty good to me.

"Talk about a pedo." Fey snorted.

"Talk about a sexually driven bastard." I spat back.

"Talk about I don't have anything. It's true." I laughed sadly at our conversation. It's normal. For us at least.

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