Negotiation of the pepperoni slices

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"Hal! Could you help me with the popcorn." Sophie called from the kitchen. He made a face and I kicked him.

"I swear woman, I will kill you." I rolled my eyes at his threat.

"And would it kill you to help her?" I wasn't mad at him, but I did get some sick satisfaction with reminding him he needed to be nice.

"If you don't tap that, I will." And off Fey went to help Sophie. I gave Hal a look. He returned my look with a pink tongue as well. I stuck mine out too.

"You know I could easily just cut off your tongue." I threatened. He matched my dark energy.

"Promise?" His eyebrow twitched up playfully.

"I'm curious to see if they would grow back or not." I said darkly. We were both standing now, deadly energy flowing from us.

"Listen you overgrown pie. You try to bring your blades on me, then I'm going to cut off you perfect little brown curls." Did he just call me an overgrown pie?

"Like the only thing I hold precious is my hair." What did I hold precious?

"Fine. I can always not make you my special drink." Ok, so I relied on that more than he knew. Damn. I raised my hands above my head in defeat.

"Alright. Don't take your magic milk away from me. Hey." He had sat back down, the energy dissipating.

"Hm?" He looked at me with those piercings silver eyes.

"Why do you make it for me? Why do you care?" I've been wondering this for some time.

"I have nightmares too." His eyes looked dead. For a moment, they lost their shine. I hated when his eyes looked like that. He was always cold, but never his eyes.

"Geez, get married already." Fey walked into the room munching on popcorn. The sent of the butter was enough to make my mouth water.

"So what game do you guys want to play?" Sophie asked bringing glasses of water behind Fey.

"Candy Land."

"Sorry." Hal and Fey said simultaneously.

"What's this one?" I pointed to the one with a family on the cover. They were driving a car. Looked intriguing.

"Life. We should play that last. Let's play Candy Land first. Then the rest." She smiled and set up the game.
Almost three hours and a lot of explaining later. I finally understood how to play Candy Land and Sorry. I lost to Hal and Fey though. Life was harder, and longer.

The popcorn was gone and the glasses were placed sporadically throughout the living room. Game pieces were all over and we all looked beat.

"So wait. I have to choose weather I want children or to go back to school and get paid more?" I asked. Hal and Fey groaned. They had already finished.

"Yes." Sophie was still smiling.

"Seems like a logical answer. More money." I spun the wheel again.

"Well some people want to start a family. Have a spouse and children over money." I saw out of the corner of my eye that Fey's, as well as Hal's, eyes had grown dull. Had they wanted to start a family? There was a lot about my family that I knew nothing about. At least we were a family.

"I've become bored with this. Let us do something else." I don't know why it hurt so much to see my friends eyes do that.

"Alright. What do you want to do now?"


"Spin the bottle." Fey jumped excitedly.

The wind blew harshly at the small window. It had gotten dark.

"I vote we eat. Also, is it just me, or is it cold in here?" They all turned their attention to me.

"I'll light a fire!" Sophie jumped up to light the hole in the wall. Fey looked hurt that we had ignored him. Hal patted his back apathetically.

"What food is there?" I got up to check the kitchen.

The cold from the fridge sent chills up my spine. Fey had followed me in, like a puppy dog. His green eyes were laced with fake sadness.

"Pepperoni slices. Nice." I grabbed the bag and a can of coke. I sat on the counter and cracked the coke open.

"There is bread and cheese. As well as some butter. Why don't we make homemade pizza?" Fey beamed, his sadness forgotten. I shrugged and took a swig of the addictive liquid.

"Guys! I'm making pizza!" He called to Hal and Sophie in the living room.

"Don't burn it!" Hal called. Fey made a face in the direction of the living room.

"Down kitty." Fey hissed at me and began pulling out ingredients.

"Who knew we had a chef in the house." I took another swig.

"You don't go 600 years without learning how." He held out his hand to me. I grinned and slapped it. He rolled his eyes and let them fall on the bag of pepperoni slices. I clung them to my chest protectively.

"Give." He ordered. I stuck my tongue out. He walked in between my legs and lightly brushed his hands along my sides. I cringed at the tickling sensation, but did not yield. He touch became harder as he tickled me. I let out an ugly laugh and tried to fight him off.

I threw some good punches and he dodged them. Continuing his tickling. I flopped on the counter like a fish until I couldn't breathe.

"Fine, God. Take them. Just stop." I took them with a wicked smile on his face. I wiped the tears out of my eyes as I watched him prepare the pizza. I decided to walk back into the living room.

When I walked in I saw Sophie picking up the pieces of our game. I shot Hal a look. He gave me an innocent smile. Sophie's cheeks were red. Bright red. What is that? Was she broken? Did Hal break her?

"Sounds like you two were having fun." She said. Her face less red.

"A cruel negotiation of the pepperoni slices. He is cruel."

"True torture." Hal chuckled. Like he'd know.
Sorry for the late update. I've had surgery and have been slightly high the last few days. Still am. Let me know if this sound like a drugged up human just wrote it!

Hugs and murder,

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