The Darkness Inside

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"I hate shopping." I fell onto the couch with a solid plop. My face effectively smashed down into the blue cushions. This thing smelled like dust. Which actually wasn't a super bad smell, in its odd way.

"I have to agree. Women's clothes are just so...exhausting." I felt a weight on my back and suddenly I couldn't breathe.

"Ugh! Get off me!" I began to flail.

"I had to stand around for two hours waiting for you to shop for your clothes." I heard Fey say as he squished me.

"It's not my fault Hal dragged me to get clothes. Blame the designer diva." I wined. I couldn't breathe. Then I felt pressure on my legs. Hal had decided to sit on me too.

"This diva wanted to get it out of the way so we didn't have to do it for a while." I heard the T.V. turn on and that's when I got mad. I tried all my strength to get the two off of me, but it didn't work. It felt like I was suffocating. I began to panic.

I felt a dark cloud wash over me. A yelp from both Hal and Fey and they flew off and into one of the pillars.

Everything seemed darker, more red. I felt stronger and...different. I could feel. Yeah, but all I felt was anger and the urge to kill. The overwhelming joy that came with ripping someones heart out of their chest. Or the pure ecstasy of slicing someones throat and watching them chock on the own thing that is meant to keep them safe and alive.

"Apple? Apple, snap out of it! Apple!" A cloud seemed to lift from me. The dark red lifted from vision and I saw Hal. He was grabbing my hands and staring at me with those silver eyes of his.

All I saw was concern in those eyes. I could almost see my reflection in those deep silver stars of his. A darkness reflected off of them, my darkness. I could painstakingly see the red of my own eyes. I felt fear, my most hated emotion yet. He squeezed my hand lightly as he whispered, "Please. Come back." His orbs begged me and I gave. Something seemed to snap back into place as I felt the room lightened and my head clear. The urge to kill had gone away as well.

For now.

"What the hell just happened?" My head was pounding. I heard a great sigh of relief escape Hals lips.

"I'm honestly not sure. What did happen?" My hand was still in his as he looked at me with sheer determination, and concern. There was no fear in his eyes.

"I-I felt as if I couldn't breath, then I panicked. Then I heard you guys scream. Then I wanted to kill. I've never felt the urge so badly before. I mean, I have killed before, a lot, but I've killed for a purpose, this time I just wanted to kill for pleasure. I guess I've always kind of liked to kill, but...are we evil Hal?" My eyes fell from his beautiful silver eyes to the floor. I felt almost ashamed.

Another emotion for the negative pile. I felt drained, but not numb. God I wish I were numb at this moment, but I wasn't. I was painfully aware of everything, and I hated it.

"We're not evil. From the moment we were created we were told we were evil. We did evil and that ultimately labeled us as such. We're not evil. We just have to live off of others to survive. Is a lion evil because he kills a zebra?"

I brought my gaze to his face. His hair fell in front of his eyes in the most elegant way, like they were made to fall there perfectly. There was no denying that he was attractive, anyone in their right mind would have noticed. But right now, he held a smirk. Not the mischievous one that he normally wore. No, this smirk was a pure kindness and understanding. He was as hard as a stone, but yet he'd comforted me when I'm on the edge.

He was so confusing.

"Where's Fey?" My eyes widened in horror as I remembered our friend. He was laying on the ground, unconscious. I laughed nervously.

"Oops." Hals gave me a sideways glance. He pursed his lips and let out a huff of air.

"Well...lets get him to bed."

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me."

"I cant really say it's fine, but its alright now. No one was seriously hurt. So don't let it but you. Alight?" His words were comforting, but his tone said 'jump off a cliff'.

"Don't worry about it." His tone was more comforting this time.


We both dragged the unconscious Fey to his bed. I, seeing as how I'm the only one who can show affection for my friend, put a blanket over him before leaving the room. Hal just walked out after throwing them down. These two really have an odd relationship.

"Goodnight." I heard Hal call before he closed his door right across the way. I sighed.

"Goodnight." I barely whispered.


Fey was back to normal in the morning and didn't seem to remember what happened last night. Hal and I silently agreed that he didn't need to know, so we went on with our day. In first period we were assigned a project that could have up to four people in a group Fey, Hal and I, naturally formed a group of three.

"Um, hey, could you guys use a stray?" Sophie laughed nervously as she approached our desks.


"Sure, come on in. The more the merrier right?" Fey beamed. He said it over Hal, who just glared at him. I think Fey hit on anything female and human if you ask me. Oh yeah, and me.

"Great. We should meet up after school or something so that we don't fall behind." Sophie said.

"We could go to your house-"

"Why don't we just go over to your house." Hal said, rather rudely. I kicked him underneath the table. He just squinted angrily at me. I just smiled and kept talking to Sophie.

"Yeah, your house is probably better." Considering our was technically a sewer.

"Sure! How 'bout today?" This girl was pushy.

"Sounds like a date." Fey wiggled in next to her. She just smiled awkwardly at him.

"A date with two other people." I said, unamused.

"Haven't you ever heard of a four way?" He said it like I didn't know what two plus two was. Sophie was obviously turning red at his comment. Hal just heaved out an annoyed sigh.

"Not everyone know as much about intercourse than you do. I assure you." I put on my best lackadaisical look.

"I have had over 800 years of experience." He joked and winked at Sophie. Sophie just looked so confused.

"He's joking Soph, don't let him get to you. How about we'll meet up in front of the school and head to your place after that?" She gave me a nod. Too embarrassed to speak.


Hey readers! Guess who! Nope, it's not your mother, it's me...the author. *crickets chirp* Hello? *More chirping* Oh well. So this installment was actually hard to write. I've always planned my little exerts, but this one was heard to word just right. I may need to go back and edit it a bit too...But I just wanted to give a special thanks to Roni, she makes me so excited about writing. Especially when she talks about my characters with me and we fan girl over them. Even though they're my character XD. It's only going to get scarier and...a little inappropriate. Not too much. Sorry ya pervs. I'm getting super excited...even though there is literally only one person reading this...If you're reading it, prove me wrong, give a comment. I'm writing for you. Let me know what you think.

Hugs and murder,


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