Monster on the outside

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Our master chef made some pretty good pizza. Surprisingly. We all ended up cleaning up after ourselves and somehow managed to clean up the place. It looked better this way too.

Sophie popped in a Disney movie. Hal and Fey low key talked about how there knew Walt Disney and some of the princes were based off of them. I think they were lying but I guess I may never know. Movies still interested me, but I found myself staring out the window. It was dark and you could hardly see, but I still was staring at that spot where the shadow thing was. Although nothing remained, my mind played that moment over and over again, over analyzing it. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I knew it. I may not personally know it but something about me felt familiar with it. And I overall hated that.

Suddenly the tv shut off. I looked at the group.

"I think it's time for bed. Apple and I will be double teaming it upstairs. Think you boys can handle the downstairs room?" She teased.

"Please. I'm actually a trained knight." Hal said pompously.

"Really?" I mocked. Sophie chuckled ignorantly, but it could be true. With a raise of his eyebrow, and a curt smile, he turned and walked down the hallway leading to their room.

"Goodnight m'lady's." Fey bowed and kissed Sophie's hand.

"What, I'm not good enough for a hand kiss?" I teased.

"Oh no my lady, you're good enough for a real kiss." He went to kiss me but I held my finger over his overly excited mouth.

"Love you too brother. Not go to bed." I over emphasized brother so that he'd remember we're supposed to be siblings. Not some dolls that have a slight similarity because we were created by the same guy with the same twisted soul.

Yeah, siblings sounded way more simple.

After Hal and Fey disappeared into the the darkness of the hallway, Sophie and I made our way to the upstairs room. Once we both were done getting ready for bed she jumped onto the bed. We were literally sharing the bed. It was a decent size, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad. I took the side closest to the wall. Sophie got up to turn off the light.

"So...I think I may have a slight crush on your brother." The bed creaked and I felt the pull towards her as she got into the bed.

"Yeah? That sucks." I wasn't quite interested in this, but I might as well try. Who knew, I might get some interesting information about human emotions out of this.

"What makes you like him?"

"Well, at first it was his striking eyes. But the-"

"Wait. Which one? They both have striking eyes." I realized I didn't actually know which one she was talking about. 

"Hal." She sounded almost disappointed. I made it a point to find out why.

"So you've developed a crush on the most negative, mellow dramatic, angry man alive. Congratulations." I may have sounded less than enthusiastic, but I was surprised she's fallen for Hal, of all people.

"I know. It's stupid. But I've always had a thing for bad boys. I can't help it." I think I understand why she sounded disappointed.

She wasn't disappointed, but ashamed. She was ashamed because most people wouldn't like someone that was so broody. Someone like Hal. On the surface Hal does seem like a broody jerk. But once you get to know him he's only a slightly brooding jerk that can be nice every once in a while. Perhaps she saw that in him. His kinder side. But even I haven't seen that much of it. So in general, she might just be attracted to his body and/or the idea of him being a nice guys.

"Alright. What else then?" I asked.

"Well, he's smart, funny. And under all that rude front, there's someone nice and almost caring." See, what did I tell you? She sounded like she was far away. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me what he thought of me. Or anything else about him."

"He doesn't really tell us much. He might tell Fey something, but you can forget about it when it comes to me. As for anything about him," I chuckled, "you don't want to know."

He might think of her, but if he did it was more on the lines of eating her soul than romance. I didn't want to break her heart. Yet.

"Well, what do you mean?" I rolled my eyes.

"I mean that sometimes things about people shouldn't be shared unless they're the ones telling you or if you know them better. You've only known us for what, a month? If you want to know more about him. Ask him or give him time to open up."

She was silent after that. Her breathing eventually became deeper and slower. She was asleep. I couldn't help but think about breaking her heart. That would be Hal's joy, but I really wanted to see it.

It's strange. Sometimes you forget just how much of a monster you are. I'm not human. I feed on their souls, their emotion to feed my own. I guess that makes me sick. I guess that makes me a monster. And somehow, this didn't bother me.

I began to drift off. I almost fell asleep too, but I felt something staring at me. I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the darkness of the room.

There was a spot were the darkness was darker, more hollow. It had small pale eyes. It was that shadow thing. And it was hanging over Sophie.

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