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I woke up in a dark room. It smelled like sewage and there was a single light in the center of the room. But yet there was still a hue of green that touched everything. There was a faint dripping sound off in the distance. There was an unmistakable throbbing coming from my head.

I moved my hands, only to find them bound behind me. I was sitting in a chair. My legs were bound too. I started to wiggle around. Trying find a weak spot to break free, but couldn't.

"So sorry Apple. Didn't think that it would come to this. But you know Hal, always jumping the gun." He chuckled to himself.

"No. I don't know Hal. And I don't know you. Let me go." My voice shook, even when I tried to steady it. I was scared and the numbness wasn't coming.

"Sorry. No can do. You see, after Hal kidnapped you we sort of need you to remember who you are. So that we don't have to kill you." He said it so calmly. This was my life he was talking about.

"Well now would be the perfect time to explain to me just who the hell you are." I hissed the last part. He put my chin in his hand and made me look at him.

"You see, about oh, let's say 800 years ago. Could be more, I've lost track. I was serving a toy maker. I was his 'Doll' and he was entertaining a few kids in some village in Scandinavia, forget the name." He made a gesture with his hands to show he was looking for it in his head.

"That's when I met you. Little Apple. You saw me kill your father, but you just stood there. I approached you, with the intent of killing you might I add, but all you did was smile. You were 15 then, I think." I stared at him in disbelief, but he just kept going.

"You see after that we became what you humans would call 'friends'. Then eventually-" he looked at me straight in the eyes. "-we became lovers." I made a discussed face and he threw his head back in laughter.

"Lighten up Apple I was just kidding. You and I had a strict 'my best friend is a psychopath' relationship."

"Wait. You killed my 'father'. Why?" He smiled at me, revealing a set a perfectly set teeth.

"You see. I wasn't made like you. I had just a dash of my old soul, now rotted. But you see, I have to consume others souls to remain who I am. That crazy Fey when we first met, that was my hungry face. Still have to eat and consume water to maintain me. But you get the general idea." This was sick.

"What do you mean 'not made like you'?" Why was I even considering this? This guy was obviously crazy. But a part of his explanations did have a tinge of truthfulness about them, and then there was the matching scars, well, the crack-looking nature of it at least.

"Why you don't even have a soul. You ever heard of Frankenstein? Yeah, that's kinda what you are. Animated without a soul. Well I shouldn't say you're completely without a soul, you have a piece of our Masters soul. But his soul is probably dark and corroded, so I feel like that doesn't count." He was getting closer to me. I began wiggling a bit more.

"But what plagues my thoughts more is how you are here, as a human, or as human as a doll can get. Where is Master? Why did he abandon you? And better yet, what did you do to make him do whatever it is that he did to you?" His arm stretched past the side of my head and grasped onto the chair and brought his face mere inches from mine. He had a built frame, for his upper body, but his legs amongst looked like twigs. His arms were toned and veiny, and they were right by my face. This was uncomfortable.

"He wiped her memory. Isn't it obvious?" Hal was standing perfectly still in the corner. So still I hadn't even noticed him. Shadow enveloped him. Hot, really. No I'm not kidding, I could see several females fawning over him, but he just repulsed me.

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