Coconut shampoo

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Fey's warm hands were covering my eyes. They were a bit sweaty. I kept my arms at my sides nervously. It smelled awful.

"Are we in a sewer?" I sniffed.

"Yep. Kind of. This is more off off the main lines. It was more of the original sewers, but we kind of came in and built a new place. Which they abandoned after we began making people go missing. People can be very superstitious sometimes. It's convenient for a late night snack of teenagers though." I could feel him smiling. I stumbled over something and Fey stumbled with me. At least we didn't fall over.

"How did you quote and quote build it?" I scrutinized.

"Well, Hal and I posed as construction workers and took control of the project. They were confused why it looked like a house with only two tunnels leading out of it, but we soon silenced them."

After a moment of silence, we stopped. It stopped smelling like sewer and started smelling like dust. Fey's hands came off of my face to reveal the stone house.

It looked like it was intended to be a sewer, but was remade. There was a stove on the corner as well as a fridge, with lots of cords leading out of it. I noticed that they snakes around the opening and disappeared off into the distance. It had stone pillars that fanned out into the ceiling and floor. There were even title lights that had been etched into the stone. The soft yellow light made it feel homey. There was a thin layer of dust around everything.

"We special built this house, we've been coming to it for years now. It can even get electricity, that was a pain to find all the wires to connect it. How do you like it?" Fey asked anxiously. I noticed a deep blue old looking couch to my right was one of those old, large, black televisions. It seemed, quaint.

"It's actually pretty cool. Wow." I was really a sight for sore eyes. I liked it. A home.

"At the time we had no need for an extra room so there's only two. You can sleep with me." He gave me a wink.

"What about the couch?" I teased. Hal went over to the old couch and plopped into it. Dust flew everywhere. Hal began coughing from how much dust flew off.

"It's been almost 50 years since we were here. Oh! We also have a bathroom. That was also a pain to instal." He seemed lost in his own thoughts. These two boys truly were marvels. I walked over the the old blue couch and smacked it. Dust flew blew up and out from where I hit it. I laughed and stepped back so I didn't get any in my lungs.

"So, are we going to call room service to clean this dusty place?"

"Funny. Now that we have a woman in the house, we don't need to order room service." Hal smiled wickedly. I was already walking away from them and towards the bathroom. A final, screw you sexists jerks, kind of thing.

"Have fun with that ladies." I called. As I walked back towards the bedroom area. There was two rooms right across from each other, I only assumed one was Fey's' and the others was Hals'. I walked more down the hallway and found the bathroom. The door creaked as I opened it.

The dust hadn't escaped this room either. I took the shampoo, conditioner and body wash from my bag and set them in the tub. It was white tiled and the shower was one of those stand ins. Darn, I wanted to take a bath, oh well.

After my shower I walked out in my pjs, which consisted of a tank top and some yoga pants. I put some fluffy socks on because the cement floor was super cold. When I walked out into the living room Fey hoped up.

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