Prologue, ON HOLD

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*Rydel's POV*

There was a knock on the door. I was the only one home since the rest of my family went to a football game here in LA. I was only home because I had a cold and it's freezing out there.

I coughed a little and got up from my warm, comfy bed of blankets and pillows in front of the living room TV. My family just left a few minutes ago and I started a movie. I paused it before I left the room. I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to get warm. Nothing. I'm wearing one of Riker's hoodies and I've been wrapped in blankets all day, plus I have the heater on, and I'm still freezing. Even though it's winter, this is still freaking California.

I turned the lock on the front door and opened it. I pushed the door open and saw someone that I've known for what seems like forever, but really has only been a few years. Ratliff.

"Ratliff?" I questioned. My stuffy nose making it sound less like Ratliff and more like an nonexistent word. "Come in," I pulled him inside. It was raining and he looked cold and wet.

"How long have you been standing out there?" I asked him. Judging by the density of his clothes, he certainly didn't just walk out the driveway. He had to have been standing out there for at least five-ten minutes.

"A while," he sighed. He awkwardly looked at the ground. I thought I saw a drop of water roll down his cheek, but I dismissed it considering he's been standing in the rain for a few minutes.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him. He seemed out of it. Not his usual, bubbly, jumpy, happy Ratliff self.

"Can I stay here, with you, for a while?" He asked, ever so slightly looking up at me. Seeing his eyes look at me like that made me...I don't know how to describe it. I felt giddy, suddenly happy. Less miserable from my sickness. And I even felt a little warmer.

"Of course, sit down. I'll get some warmer clothes from one of the boys." I gestured to my warm nest I created. I ran up the stairs and into one of the boys' room. I grabbed a pair of Riker's pajama pants and a t-shirt from Rocky. I brought it downstairs and gave it to him.

"Here, you know where the bathroom is." I smiled as I gave them to him. He took them and went to change. He came back a minute later and sat on the loveseat next to the couch I sat on.

"Is everything okay, Ratliff?" I asked worriedly. He was staring at the ground and twiddling his thumbs. He seemed really tense.

"Kelly and I broke up," He said almost immediately after I asked. I didn't know how to respond. "She said there was another guy."

"I'm so sorry, I know how much you loved her," I choked. This time I know for sure I saw tears. I stood up and walked over to him. I sat beside him and pulled him into a hug. He cried quietly into my shoulder. And I let him. We sat like this for a while. Him quietly crying in my arms, me soothingly stroking his hair.

Suddenly, he pulled away. He looked into my eyes and I saw his transformation of emotions. He started leaning in ever so slowly. I leaned in at an even slower pace. Just as our lips were about to connect for the first time, he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." He hurriedly stood up. "I'll bring the clothes by later." He grabbed his wet clothes and took off. I sat on the couch, confused. He literally knocked the wind out of me without touching me. We were about to kiss. I almost had my first kiss. With my best friend of all people. And the weird part is, I want it to be him.

I want him.


That Moment When You Fall In Love With Your Best Friend (Rydellington/R5) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now