Chapter 17: Lost

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*Rydel's POV*

Are you still at Kelly's?  ~Rydel

No  ~Ellington

Can you come over please?  I feel like shit and I need to see you :(  ~Rydel

Yeah.  I'll be over in a bit. ~Ellington

I smiled to myself and put my phone down.  It's been a few days since Kelly lost her baby.  I don't actually feel sick anymore, I just needed an excuse to see Ellington.

I tried to make myself look sick.  I didn't put make up on, I put my hair in a nasty and careless bun, wore old pjs.  I crawled into my bed and turned on Netflix. 

About twenty minutes later my bedroom door opened and Ellington walked in.  I looked pretty unhealthy and all, but in all honesty, he looked far worse than I did.  His light facial scruff was very ungroomed, his hair was sticking up in many different directions, the bags under his eyes were so prominent it looked like he had a black eye, and his eyes were extremely bloodshot.

"Hey,"  I said in a weak voice.

"Hey baby."  He crawled under the covers with me.  "So you're not feeling well?"  He asked as he slid his arm around my shoulders.  I cuddled myself into his chest and nodded.

"Yeah.  I keep throwing up."  I mumbled.

"I'm sorry."  He muttered and kissed the top of my head.

"How have you been?"  I asked him, pausing the episode of Vampire Diaries I had been watching over again.

"A little bit better.  I hadn't left Kelly's until last night before she went to bed."  He said in a quiet voice.

"Oh.  Well I'm glad you're doing better.  It was making me sad that the both of you were sad."  I mumbled.  He didn't say anything.

We laid on my bed and watched Netflix all day until he had to go pick his parents up from the airport.

"You want to come with?  I know you're sick and all, but you're welcome to."  He told me.

"Yeah, I'd love to come."  I smiled.

"Cool.  We have to pick up Kelly first because she's coming too."  He said as he slid on his shoes.

"Oh, um, actually I have a headache.  But tell your parents I said hi."  I fake smiled.

"Okay.  Will do."  He bent down and kissed the top of my head.  "Love you."

"Love you too."

*Ellington's POV*

I parked my car outside Kelly's house and waited for her.  She came out and got in.  I didn't even realize what she. was doing until she was practically in my lap and kissing me.  It felt so right, but I knew it was so wrong.  I finally pulled away from her.

"What the hell was that?"  I asked.

"I-I, uh, I'm sorry."  She sat back in her seat.  "I just really wanted to kiss you."

"I'm with Rydel, Kelly."  I muttered and started driving to the airport.

"I know.  I just..."  She sighed and looked out the window.  "I thought maybe I stood a chance.  Maybe I changed your mind about her."

"You broke up with me, Kelly.  You remember that."  I snapped.  The whole drive my mind was wandering.  I thought about Rydel, but then my mind would trail to Kelly.  I'd snap out of it and start thinking about Rydel again, just to go back to Kelly.

When we had picked up my parents, I dropped them off at our house and drove back with Kelly.  I walked her up to her door with my mom's words running through my mind "Are you two back together?  What happened to Rydel?" and then having to explain to them about the baby.

"Can I give you a hug?"  Kelly asked as we got to her door.

"I don't kn-"

"It's just a hug Ellington.  Nothing more, nothing less."  I gave in and nodded.  She leaned in and wrapped her arms around my neck.  I hugged back and for a moment, things felt like they did when were together.  I instinctively pulled away from the hug and kissed her.  But then I realized who I was kissing and stumbled back.

"I have to go."  I walked briskly back to me car, despite Kelly's excessive protests.  I sat in my car and called Rydel.

"Hello?"  She answered.

"I need to talk to you.  Can I come back over?"  I asked.

"Yeah, of course."  I could hear the worry and hesitation in her voice.  She knows...

"I'll be over in a few."


"I'm sorry, Rydel.  I don't know why I did it.  It'll never happen again!"  I insisted.

"You kissed your ex-girlfriend."  She said bitterly.  "You were thinking of me when you did it."

"Thinking of you is what made me pull away and realize I fucked up."  I explained.

"How incredible.  No wonder I fell in love with you."  She retorted sarcastically.  "You know, at first I was really jealous of her.  I hated the fact you were spending so much time with her, and I hated myself for feeling that way.  But you can go back to her now, Ellington.  I'm done."

My heart broke.  "I'm so sorry."

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it.  Now leave."  She commanded.

"Just give me another chance, please baby."  I begged.

"Don't you think staying with you when you found out your ex-girlfriend was pregnant was pretty big thing to do?  Turning my cheek and being her best friend although she was pregnant with my boyfriend's baby?  And then supporting both of you when she lost the baby?  And now you expect me to come crawling back to you after you kissed her?"

"Ellington, you don't know it but you've put me through enough hell.  Before Kelly was even pregnant you were making my life hell.  I don't want to have to deal with anymore drama."  She snapped.

"Okay.  I'm sorry.  I'll respect that and leave you alone from now on."

"Don't text, don't call, don't visit me, don't talk to me during rehearsals, just leave me be."

"Okay.  I guess I'll see you but leave you alone at rehearsals tomorrow then."  I nodded and left.  I started driving.  I didn't know where I was going.  But I was driving around in the rain with the radio as loud as it went.

And eventually I pulled onto the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.  I cried and cried.  God, I really fucked up.  Big time.  And not to mention how horrible these past few days have been.

My ex-girlfriend lost our baby and I lost my current girlfriend.  Now I have two ex-girlfriends. 

And I just don't know what to do.

Sorry if this seemed kind of rushed.  I was pushing to get an update for you guys because I know it's been a while.  I hope you enjoy it though!

How about 20+ votes and 10+ comments for the next chapter? 

Vote, comment, follow, and all that jazz would be GREATLY appreciated ;)

That Moment When You Fall In Love With Your Best Friend (Rydellington/R5) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now