20 - Revenge

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*Riker's POV*

I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the music I was listening to as I drove to Rydel and Brie's. A couple weeks ago, Rydel moved out with Brie. And a few days later Rocky and I moved out together. Ross was in the process of finding a place. Ryland would be living at home with mom and dad for a while.

I pulled up in front of their little apartment duplex. It was cute and small, just like them. I waited for a few minutes until Brie came out and got in my car.

"Ready?" I asked as she got in. She leaned over and pecked my cheek briefly before sitting in her seat properly.

"Yeah! Let's go." She said. Something in her tone told me she wasn't nearly as happy as she was letting off. Something was bothering her, and that bothered me.

I didn't say anything for a while. I was hoping she'd bring it up. When we got to the restaurant we were having lunch at, I decided to ask her.

"Brie, what's up with you today?" I asked. Only a minute or two later I realized how it sounded, but I guess then it was too late to restate (ha!)

"What do you mean?" She asked, unfazed by my blunt question.

"You've been acting differently. You're trying to hide it, and I must say you're doing a good job, it's just not good enough." I told her. She swallowed the food in her mouth and set down her fork. She looked down at the hardly touched pasta on her plate. "Brie?"

"Just a bad day yesterday is all." She muttered so quietly I almost didn't hear her.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked. She shook her head. "Okay." I dropped the conversation.

"I have a friend who's going through a hard time. She likes this guy that she dumped because he kissed another girl - his ex girlfriend - but he's with her now, come to find out the ex girlfriend lied about something really big and he has no idea." She said immediately after I gave up.

"Brie?" I raised an eyebrow. From across the table she grabbed my hand.

"What should she do? This thing the ex girlfriend lied about could literally make him hate her if he found out, he'd probably even go back to my friend. Maybe." She said with big eyes.

"Who's this friend, Brie? Because it really sounds like my sister." I said suspiciously. "Well, at least a good part of it does."

Brie panicked. She didn't say anything for a moment. A grin grew on her face as she came up with a lie. "No, it's my sister."

"You are a horrible liar. You only have three brothers." I muttered. She sighed and her grin faded. "What's this thing Kelly lied about?" I asked, kind of scared of the answer.

"The baby." Brie answered blankly. Approximately .5 seconds later she realized she slipped and slapped a hand over her mouth. "I...I mean..."

"Kelly lied about being pregnant?" I was suddenly angry. Brie gulped and nodded. I sat back in my seat and tried to process everything. "Why?"

"To get Ellington back. It seems to have worked." She murmured and looked at me through her blonde bangs.

"Not entirely." I responded.

"What?" She asked, shocked.

"We're telling him. Right now." I called a waitress over. I quickly paid and left with Brie rushing to match my quick pace.

"We should talk this over with Rydel first, Riker." Brie told me.

"I'm her big brother, I'm supposed to protect her. I'm going to go call the bitch out and get my sister the love of her life back." I told Brie, stopping to look her in the eye.

"I thought you hated your best friend and your sister being together." She said with confusion evident in her voice.

"I do. But I value my sister's happiness more than my discomfort." I turned and got in the car.

"Can I at least text her and give her a warning?" Brie begged, getting in the passenger seat."

"I don't care. But we are going right now."


"Riker, are you sure about this?" Brie asked as we walked up to Kelly's apartment.

"Positive." I replied. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. And Kelly answered.

"Riker? Can I help you?" She asked, quite confused.

"Not you, but your boyfriend. Where is he?" I asked rudely. Brie nudged my side telling me to tone it down and not piss her off so quickly. I coughed and fixed my expression-I think.

"Ell?" Kelly called, not moving her suspicious eyes from me. Ellington appeared a moment later.

"Riker? Brie?" He raised his eyebrows suspiciously at us.

"We need to talk." Brie spoke for me. I glanced at her briefly.

"About?" He stood by Kelly.

"Just come here." I nodded my head towards the outside of their apartment. Him and Kelly started following us. "Alone." I told Kelly. She huffed and went back inside.

"What the hell is this about?" Ellington asked us.

"Your girlfriend is a liar." I responded immediately, I was expecting the question.

"And what makes you say this?" Ellington took on the tough-guy position with his arms crossed and his shoulders set back.

"She lied about being pregnant. She never was, Ell." Brie told him.

"Where is this coming from? You have no right to accuse her of something like that." Ellington said slightly louder than before.

"She told me. Straight up told me." Brie retorted in the same tone.

"She told you? And when was this and what proof did she give you?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"A couple weeks ago. And she actually told Rydel, but I saw it happen." Brie told him.

"So you're taking what my ex girlfriend said about my girlfriend as the truth? Did it ever occur to you that she was trying to get back at Kelly because I love her instead of Rydel?" He said loud enough a woman in her garden next to Kelly's apartment glanced up at us. She looked back down and muttered barely audibly, "silly teenagers".

"There are so many things wrong with that sentence, Ellington. One, you just accused someone as being a liar without knowing what's going on." Brie snapped.

"You accused Kelly of being a liar without knowing the whole situation." Ellington cut her off.

"Fair enough. But Ellington, did it ever occur to you that Kelly used the time you two had sex to get back at Rydel because you loved her instead of Kelly?" I crossed my arms and straightened my back. I felt anger boiling up in me more and more.

"I never loved Rydel. Maybe I wanted to get back at Kelly." He snapped and marched back into the apartment.

Brie and I turned to each other, frowns painted firmly on our faces.

"That went well." She muttered sarcastically.

"C'mon." I grabbed her hand and started walking to the car.

"Riker?" She pleaded as we speed walked. When I didn't say anything she repeated herself. "No! Riker." She stopped when we got to the car. I turned to her.

"Brie, what?"

"Where are we going?" She questioned.

"I figured we'd go home. Maybe talk to Rydel."

"Fine. But I say something to her first."


That Moment When You Fall In Love With Your Best Friend (Rydellington/R5) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now